For quite some time now, the Internet has been used to connect people and make lives easier. It has been a revelation during the onset of the 21st century. Today, we’re going to talk about the various IoT Framework.

But, now, we are moving into a new world of internet-based technology that is not just connecting people, but also things. Hence, we call it the internet of things or IoT.

The shift from the internet of people to the internet of things is both fascinating and mind-bending. IoT will transform the human living, if the experts are to be believed. Hire offshore developer to make this transformation happen with greater pace and feasibility.

So, think of it in this way- What if like the way we communicate over the internet through emails, devices could also communicate, and share information in the same fashion.

Now, you would ask how a device can communicate?

Well, the IoT has allowed the communication of devices through sensors, and the information gathered is dumped onto the open source IoT platforms.

The data is analyzed to get a sense of different actions, and the problems that need immediate attention.

What Are the IoT Frameworks?

IoT open source frameworks are basic infrastructure that contains crucial elements for cloud support, and to augment the IoT processes of collection, storage, and dissemination of information.

Some of the most popular IoT frameworks include KAA IoT, ZETTA, and various others. We will be discussing them as we move ahead.

The five crucial elements of the IoT framework includes- Hardware Devices, Software Application, Cloud and Communication platforms, Cloud Applications. These five elements combine to form a high-performing IoT framework open source medium.

Statistics and Trends About IoT

Global Reach

Norton estimated that by 2025, there will be more than 25.2 billion IoT connections.

Revenue numbers

It is estimated that IoT will churn up $1.1 trillion in revenue by 2025.

The regional splits indicate that North America will have estimated revenue of $337 billion, while Latin America and Europe will have revenue numbers amounting to $47, and $242 billion respectively.

Moving to the Asia-Pacific, it is estimated to have the largest piece of pie with revenue numbers of $386 billion.

IoT Development Challenges

The developmental challenges are as persistent, as simple and eccentric, as the concept of IoT might sound interesting in theory.

The practical development phase has various obstacles ranging from security woes to lack of skills.

Organizations that have surpassed these challenges paint a picture of normalcy to the outside. But the challenges scream out when a company fails.

According to a Cisco survey, only 26% of the companies were successful in imbibing the IoT mechanism. Also, the same survey revealed that prominent IoT startups’ failure lacks proper development and implementation.

Security Issues

Security issues are the elephant in the room, which comes up invariably when we talk of IoT vulnerability. It is important to have a sound security mechanism that shields data during the entire pathway- source device-to-sensor-cloud storage.

Lack of Skill

Lack of skill is more of a resource challenge than an actual framework obstacle. The lack of talent that could steer through all the device based challenges like- security, device compatibility, and data collection-hampers the overall development process.

25 Leading IoT Open Source Platforms


It is a feature-laden open-source IoT platform that has the answers to the difficulties faced while working with the IoT ecosystem. Quite suitably laced at the top in the IoT framework ecosystem.

KAA IoT is considered as the fastest, scalable, and the most relevant platform going around with modern tools. It provides effectiveness and ease in the monitoring of devices in real-time along with the remote device accessibility.

  • Easy integration of devices with other devices
  • Seamless flow of data between the device and application
  • Remote monitoring of devices


KAA IoT prices start with prices as low as $1 and can soar up depending upon the plan. It doesn’t provide a free trial version.

MACCHINA.Io is considered as one of the best open-source platforms for the development of applications that operate on Linux based IoT gateway.

This application is developed on Javascript and C++ framework. It also helps in the development of software for home automation, V2X, and telematics. Further, it supports various connection technologies and sensors like- bricklets, and Xbee.


  • The reliable and fast development of software and applications
  • Cost-effective and reduce downtime in implementation
  • Simplifies the process of development of the application

Price pricing depends on the number of devices to be connected to the server. See the table below for further clarity.

Number of devices Base price (monthly)
100 – 999 $68
1000 – 4999 $91
5000 – 9999 $148
10000 – 19999 $204
20000 – 49999 $272
50000+ $386


Zetta Open Source IoT framework is derived from Node.Js and REST. The core feature of Zetta is to continuously stream huge loads of data.

The reactive programming philosophy covers up for the lack of data visualization. It can also be perceived as an API oriented device as it leverages the Siren format to develop application and IoT devices.



  • Establishes secure connections throughout the network of devices
  • Cross-transfer of data to allied platforms
  • Provides notification and query resolution using SQL syntax

ZETTA showcases the inherent property of being an open-source platform as it is freely available.


GE Predix acts as an IoT enterprise solutions platform by providing crucial services. The core services provided by the open-source platform include data security, storage, and analytics.

The extension of service seems not far fetched as the GE and HPE have entered into an agreement.


  • Supports data acquisition
  • Stores data in a secured setup
  • Enhanced and simplified channels of connectivity from edge to cloud

To obtain the price figure the industry-standard price request route is to be followed.


Thingspeak is one of the recent entrants in the list of IoT open-source frameworks, the highlight of this framework is that it helps to transmit data across various channels.

It specifically assigns public channels for sharing of information. Also, the MATLAB real-time analytics tool helps to derive patterns from data collected through the sensors.


  • Smooth flow data from private to public channels
  • Real-time analysis of data
  • Vivid visualization of data

Thing speak is freely available for small non-commercial projects. The licensed version is shelled out based on various categories. The average per-unit cost is $650.


Just the virtue of being a free to use and change platform along with licensing under Apache 2.0, DeviceHIve provides an opportunity to explore this cloud platform at depth. It also supports various libraries which include both Android and IoS.

Also, it provides for Big Data analysis based on the data packets available in the system. Last but not the least, it supports both Kubernetes and Docker deployment options.


  • Real-time data analysis using modern tools like ML.
  • Lends users with scalable hybrid, private, and public cloud services.
  • Ease in connectivity to other devices using RESTful.

The industry-standard practice of price by request is applicable here.

Distributed Services Architecture

Distributed Device architecture or simply referred to DSA brings three crucial elements of IoT infrastructure- device, application, and service into one real-time data model.

The purpose of binding the elements together under one umbrella is to enhance data analytics and inter-device communication.


  • Augments the process of application development
  • Real-time updates of the data model formed through the unifying structure
  • Enhanced security for data flow

Price by request as per the services


Eclipse IoT represents an open-source IoT framework that works on the ecosystem created by the industry-academia. It provides tools for the development of IoT and M2M applications.

This platform is based on Java/OSGi, which in turn is based on Kura API container and various other aggregator platforms.

One of the major IoT services of Eclipse is the SmartHome, which aims to provide effective technology-led smart home IoT solutions.

It provides tools and information that augments the process of development of communication channels between devices.

Price by request

Open Connectivity Foundation

Open Connectivity Foundation has its core in OIC or the Open Interconnect Consortium, which is powered under the purview of tech giants such as Intel and Samsung.

OIC came into existence in the year 2014. It pushed towards creating smarter cities through smarter homes. The OCF based IOTivity is based on tools like JSON, RESTful, and CoAp.


  • It provides a robust framework to IoT applications
  • Secured channels of data transmission
  • Remote access capabilities

Price by request.


Open HAB is dubbed as an agnostic open-source IoT platform for creating smart homes. It can integrate with any device that runs on JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

The OpenHAB IoT framework provides various UIs. The best thing about the framework is that it can be deployed to an on-premise setup. Also, it can connect any devices regardless of the vendor distribution type.


  • Integrates any form of the home automation device
  • Communication of data between the devices and the on-premise cloud setup is seamless
  • Enhanced data security

This open-source framework is freely available.

Cisco IoT Cloud Connect

Cisco IoT Cloud Connect is touted as the most effective enabler for IoT digitization. It is removing the stigma of security from data mining.

Also, there is enhanced connectivity between the IoT devices transmitting information to form reports and solutions.

The data management operation- right from extracting it from the source, moving, storing, and computing- is performed with the Cisco Kinetic IoT platform.



  • Enhanced security
  • A robust framework for the connectivity of devices
  • Effective management of data

Get price details via price request.


Salesforce is powered by thunder which is crafted using various Apache-based tools like Kafka, Storm, Spark, and Cassandra. It leverages the Big Data game to provide relevant insights to the clients.

The data collected from connected devices is stored securely for processing, and this is where Big Data comes into play. Businesses now have shifted towards salesforce driven or migrated towards it.


  • Connects data to customer experience
  • Secured channels for transmission of information
  • Easy integration with enterprise applications

It provides free trials for licensing contact the vendor.


Oracle is a familiar name in providing solutions to business management. This time around IoT takes the game a notch higher with the IoT framework.

The IoT architecture is designed to handle large volumes of data gathered from the interconnected web of devices. The flow of information from the device to the cloud is tightly knit to avoid data breaches.


  • Proper authentication of connected devices
  • Creating a unique identity for each device
  • Transmitting information over a secure environment

Obtain a price quote by request.


The core of SAP IoT solution hinges on the cloud platform design to build and maintain robust IoT applications. It can be described as an open source  IoT cloud platform.

Adhering to the modern technological trends, it also makes way for the development of IoT tools using ML and AI. Also, the device connected under the IoT open source framework is easily integrated into the cloud platform.


  • Provides real-time data analytics
  • Ease in data storage and transmission
  • Predictive analysis using AI

SAP provides IoT services based on plans, the lowest deal is for a touch over $1

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is the futuristic IoT solution, which provides easy integration of devices. It is one of the finest Open Source IoT Platforms of all times.

The four ‘S’ factors that provide it an entry into the list of top Internet of Things framework include- Safety, Scalability, Security and Simplistic approach.

The security aspect works on the principle of detect-asses-diagnose-stabilize-and close. This principle covers the entire security framework.


  • Cost-effective
  • Pre-configured solutions
  • Sophisticated security mechanism

It provides a trial version, and you can get a price quote based on your requirement through price request.

Google Cloud Platform

Two important ingredients in the Google Cloud Platform that provide IoT ecosystem solutions include- BIG Query and Google Cloud Data Studio. It is a wonderful example of the Open Source IoT Cloud Platform.

This dual combination helps to analyze data to the last ‘T’ and give relevant output. It comes of no-surprise that cloud is considered as the best IoT system for E2ES.


  • Handles huge loads of data
  • Provides crucial insights
  • Simplifies the process of working on IoT systems

The pricing of Google IoT Core depends on data volume and the first 250MB is free. Post which users have to refer to the official site to gauge the pricing as per requirement.

IBM Watson

It is tough to separate IBM and innovation. The IBM Watson IoT platform provides much-required ease in the collection and storage of data over a period of time.

It also provides insight using the data through analytics. The rebranded IBM Bluemix hybrid cloud platform provides access to applications and smooth integration to the connected networks.


  • Simple dashboard and allows for better data visualization
  • Secure transmission and storage of devices
  • On the go data mining

Price by request as per requirement

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Hewlett Packard Enterprise seems to have the perfect solution for universal internet of things.

It is helping business organizations across the board to derive tangible monetary benefits from the raw data.

The main feature includes scalability, which is an end product of the area of the solution provided by the cloud platform.


  • Suits large business organizations like automobiles
  • The cloud solution simplifies the process of data collection
  • Makes data visually appealing and comprehensive through analytics reports

Price by request depending upon the requirements.

DataV by Bsquare

DataV by Bsquare improves the working experience with the IoT systems. It has links with some of the trailblazers in the field of IoT framework like- Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

The main feature of this IoT framework is to maintain the data storage alongside providing real-time insights with the data collected.


  • Easy to build, design, and embed systems
  • Provides solutions to various IoT based problems
  • Stores data in a secure environment

Get price details by request.

Mindsphere by Siemens

The mind sphere by Siemens is considered as the one of cost-effective tools for serving a dual purpose.

First, it can easily develop applications, and secondly, the applications can easily be integrated with the cloud platform.

The user has the choice of various open UIs. It assists both users and Developers with the array of tools.


  • Connectivity to the native businesses
  • Processing of data in real-time
  • Secure storage of data

Price by request.

Ayla Network

Ayla Network serves the dual purpose of application development through the AMAP platform. And at the same time, it provides service-based solutions to the enterprise. Thus, it acts as a PaaS, i.e., Platform-as-a-Service provider.


  • Accelerated development of IoT based products
  • Continuous support through the development phases
  • Real-world insight from data gathered from connected devices

It provides a free trial, and the price details can be obtained via request quote.

MBED IoT Device platform

The MBED IoT Device platform works on a specifically designed operating system to allow the smooth operation of IoT devices to the concerned open-source platforms.

It provides both cloud service to handle data flow and developer tools to build and design applications.

It is important to note that this device platform is available on Apache 2.0 Arm MBED computer platform.


  • Working with MBED platform is easy
  • Processes data swiftly to provide reports
  • Assists in developing applications

Price by request

Amazon Web Services [AWS]

As the name suggests, AWS is the IoT platform, the heart of which lies in the console as it helps in database management, including extracting and computing the data.

The stored data packet is transmitted over sophisticated protection shields via secured device gateways. It also provides SDKs, which stems from the links with tech names such as Intel and Broadcom.


  • Application distribution to various networks
  • Maintains the durability of the application
  • Ensure the availability of applications

Prices depend on the type of services rendered; see the official site for more clarity.


This is a security-based IoT platform and currently serves more than a hundred companies. It provides security related service to various companies along with maintaining the connectivity of devices.


  • Sophisticated security mechanism
  • Ensure device integrity
  • Authenticates and registers connected devices

Price by request depending upon the kind of services required.


Working with various Internet of Things brings in a new set of challenges relating to system integration, performance, and reliability.

The Connext DDS provides the solution for data security through connecting applications to data- but-not-to-each-other.

This means that data is transmitted from the application through a safer centralized data bus software.


  • Ensures the smooth flow of data
  • Provides an effective security shield at all points
  • It simplifies the connective framework

Price by request.


The above list of top 25 open source IoT frameworks showcases the diversity in operations and functionality.

But the core largely remains the same as data processing through sensors leading to the end goal of achieving a self-sufficient machine world.

One where smart cities and smart homes may not be far fetched ideas, especially with rapid developments in AI and ML technology aiding the IoT ecosystem.

We hope you all had a good time reading this article and it will be of great help for any iot app development services. Thank You.!

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What Is IoT Framework?

    IoT framework/platform is a middleware that joins different components together and allows smooth communication between devices.

  2. What Is IoT Security Framework?

    IoT Security Framework provides you with the tool for integrating security into an embedded device’s boot sequence. It uses storing cryptography.

  3. What Is IoT?

    IoT is an acronym for the Internet of Things. IoT is a system of interconnected computing devices, mechanical & digital machines, objects, or people that transfers data without any human/computer intervention.

  4. What Do You Mean By IoT Architecture?

    In simple terms, IoT architecture is the system of numerous elements: sensors, protocols, actuators, cloud services, and layers.

  5. What Are The Major Applications Of IoT?

    There are many applications of IoT.

    Some of the major ones are as listed below:

    Smart Home
    Smart City
    Smart Grids
    Connected Car
    Smart Retail