Personalized Application Modernization Services To Suit Your Needs

eSparkBiz offers Next-Gen Application Modernization Services
Application Modernization Consulting And Implementation For All Businesses

An application cannot be put to an obsolete state when its life cycle comes to an end because every application plays a crucial role in the business. In such a scenario, application modernization is the best fit. We are the leading application modernization service provider in the region, with many years of experience in giving new life to age-old applications.

At eSparkBiz, we follow an agile software development approach to provide high-value and guaranteed deliveries in each cycle. Our talented engineers and consultants are always looking for an exciting challenge, and if you have one, get in touch with our sales teams to discuss it further.

Our Application Modernization Services is a wholesome package of roadmap and strategy, providing you with complete control of the processes. Here we also make sure none of your important events are hampered, or data is compromised during our zero downtime application modernization process.

Featured Application Modernization Projects

Explore these amazing projects developed over 12+ years by our experts to help our precious clients tackle real obstacles and boost their businesses - one of the reasons why they keep coming back to us!

Sales Enablement & Performance Tracking Platform

Refreshingly simple, yet powerful in results, drives sales performance through goal setting, tracking, incentives and so much more. This motivates sales teams to achieve and exceed their objectives. The platform’s unique combination of simplicity and powerful features leads to tangible and impactful outcomes, making it an invaluable asset for driving sales success.

  • Core Technology: React | Node | Android | iOS
  • Duration: 9 Months
  • Number of Developers: 4 Members

Uniting NFT Enthusiasts Worldwide in an Innovative Marketplace and Hub for Digital Creators

Through its visionary approach of Ecommerce Platform For Crypto Market, this platform brings together artists, creators, and crypto investors, providing them with an all-encompassing environment to participate in the purchasing, selling, and exchanging of innovative NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), event tickets, and cryptocurrencies.

  • Core Technology: React | Node | Android | iOS
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Number of Developers: 6 Members

Unleashing the Power of Data in Real Estate with an Advanced Analytics Platform

An advanced Web Analytics And Insights Application called ESRP offers detailed analytical data in the form of graphical representations for several American industries, regions, firms, occupations, and racial, ethnic, and gender groups. Users can upload CSV files and other data source files to the platform and receive data visualizations thanks to its user-friendly interface.

  • Core Technology: React JS | Node | Laravel
  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Number of Developers: 10 Members
ESRP - Robust Web Analytics And Insights Application ESRP - Unleash the Power of Advanced Web Analytics And Insights Application

SAAS-based Social Media Automation Platform

To make sure that operation goes according to the plan One for All provides a full cycle service including implementation on the website of social media that you prefer. On the other hand, we stress on the precision of our posting dates, working by our own integrated ChatGPT tools that provide detailed content writing as … Continue reading "SAAS-based Social Media Automation Platform"

  • Core Technology: Laravel | Angular | iOS
  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Number of Developers: 10 Members

Hospitality Redefined – Unleashing IoT Smart Devices and Access for Revolutionary Guest Experiences.

Radefy is revolutionizing the hospitality industry by harnessing the power of IoT smart devices to create unparalleled guest experiences. With our cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking approach, we are transforming traditional hotel stays into immersive journeys that cater to every guest’s individual needs.

  • Core Technology: React JS | .NET
  • Duration: 8 Months
  • Number of Developers: 7 Members

Legacy Application Modernization Services

As a leading legacy application modernization service provider, we provide various services to ensure all clients enjoy our services. We host experienced teams that drive projects towards success and efficiency from day one. Moreover, we also provide expert consultation at all project steps to keep costs minimal and deliver high-quality services.

Application Modernization Consulting

Modernize Applications With Ease

Every company invests significantly in building an application for their needs, but the technology becomes obsolete after some time, making it hard to maintain the application. At such times, we step in and provide application modernization and consulting services. Our facilities include modernizing your applications by rewriting them with better and more stable technologies, signifying support in the market.

We also ensure that your application features are maintained during the modernization, and for that our consultants and project managers host regular meetings for demos and product understanding with your teams.

Migrating Legacy Apps to Azure and AWS

Migrate to the Cloud and Save Costs

Cloud migration is the need of the hour. With the many benefits it provides, you should definitely check out cloud service providers and work with our teams to migrate your legacy apps to the cloud. Our cloud migration teams will help you create a better infrastructure in the cloud that saves money, performs efficiently, and keeps data secure at all times. Moreover, we will also migrate applications in phases to ensure zero downtime.

Application Rehosting

Rehost Existing Applications on the Cloud

We provide application rehosting services where our engineers deploy your existing infrastructure to the cloud and gradually transfer applications and related traffic to cloud environments. Our experienced approach to rehosting applications on the cloud ensures you get zero errors during and even after the process.

Application Replatforming

Migrate Applications to Newer Platforms

Our rehosting teams have significant experience in porting platforms for enterprise-grade production applications. We implement strategic changes that result in significant benefits to our customers. We have helped numerous enterprises to migrate from age-old mainframe platforms to the latest platforms with ease, and we can surely do it for your company.

App Rearchitecting or Refactoring

Refactor Applications for Performance

When your applications become sluggish over time, and you seem to lose performance and gain more issues in the applications, it is time to refactor your application. Our application refactoring services provide you with ways to refactor existing codebases for performance, scalability, and security.

We put ample effort into identifying problematic areas in your applications and fixing them with the interference of our talented developers and test engineers.

Application Containerization

Containerize Applications for Efficient Resource Usage

Our development team is expert at making choices for efficient resource usage, and that is why we emphasize application containerization. Through this service, we assist businesses to package their applications in smaller bundles and deploy them on container technologies which results in excellent cost savings and optimum resource usage.

Types of Application Modernization

Application Modernization is a process of streamlined your existing applications with current business needs by leveraging modern application technologies and development practices to cloud model, that can be Public, Private or Hybrid. It is done to gain better insights in business, improve performance, cost optimization, enhance efficiency and refine user experience.


Re-architecting applications involves breaking them down into multiple different components and building them with newer and more secure technologies. During the rearchitecting phase, we also help you by creating newer architect and infrastructure plans that ensure seamless deployment and delivery of the modernized application.


If your applications are still utilizing old platforms and need a fresh migration, our re-platforming services will be highly helpful. In this type of application modernization, we help you migrate existing applications from one platform to another without causing any disruptions.


Rehosting services assist you in migrating your applications from one environment to another. If you have an on-premise environment setup, our rehosting services can assist you in setting up your environments in the cloud or at different hosting locations.


Get rid of all the accumulated technical debt in your applications by refactoring services. We provide refactoring services that are aimed at improving your existing codebase by making small yet highly important changes. The changes that we undertake provide a significant boost in application scalability, performance, and security.


Our re-engineering services are aimed at making your applications better. We help companies to understand their application needs and find the correct use cases for applications. Once the use cases are defined, we re-engineer the applications to better suit the needs.

Cloud Native Development

We have helped numerous businesses migrate their applications to the cloud and build cloud-native applications, and we can do it for you, too. We provide cloud-native development services through which we deliver high-performing, secure, and cloud-based applications and tools.


Break your monolithic applications into smaller and manageable microservices with our microservice development. We have delivered numerous migration projects, including monolithic to microservice transitions for enterprises of all sizes. Our experienced developers can build the best loosely coupled, independent, and secure microservices that can power your applications.


We provide DevOps consulting that assists businesses to understand and adopt an agile DevOps approach. We host a team of consultants and engineers who are highly experienced in integrating DevOps into existing application delivery teams and processes. Moreover, we also develop automations that make deployment and testing of applications easier in the DevOps delivery approach.

eCommerce Replatforming

eCommerce websites need to be high-performant at all times, and re-platforming can provide significant benefits. We can migrate existing eCommerce applications to different platforms without downtime. Once the platform migration is done by our teams, you’ll notice a significant increase in the performance, scalability, and security of applications.

UX modernization

Give your websites a new look and feel through our UX Modernization services. We undertake extensive UX research services to build designs that enhance the usability of your applications. Our expert designers and researchers can come up with multiple designs so that you can choose the best from different options.

100's of Happy Clients

From IT consultants to digital agencies, ISVs, and enterprises, we, as a pioneering offshore software outsourcing firm, cater to a diverse clientele seeking reliable solutions for their software consultancy and development needs. Here are some touching testimonials from our happy clients:

Stefan H.

Their employees are Greatfull & Helpful.

Stefan H.

CTO at IT Company

Why Choose eSparkBiz?

Being a bankable and imperative IT partner, eSparkBiz oaths to brings digital transformation to your business. Our 12+ years’ remarkable expertise with 500+ global collaborations testifies the development services, state-of-the-art infrastructure, transparent transactions, and security to kickstart their digital business strategy.

Short and Long-term Contracts

Using our flexible hiring models, you can have your team appointed, for long-term or short-term, per your project and company requirements. Due to the adaptable nature, the whole process happens with ease.

Fast and Easy Hiring

The process of hiring developers from us is quite vague. eSparkBiz will have work done for you, be it selecting, onboarding, replacing, communicating, and completing paperwork. All at ease and pace.

Transparent Pricing

We believe in delivering work worth every penny. Your requirement is either for a long-term project or a short assignment, we shall have your picked developers as per the time they are employed by you.

Free Replacement

Anytime, during your project, you wish to switch a developer based on the project complexity or skills, we shall surely do so, without any extra charges as well as any downtime to the project.

Direct Communication

You always have an option to directly converse with your developer, without any middlemen. This leverages clear transfers of ideas. All you have to do is schedule a call, a standup or a meeting at your convenience.

Dedicated Account Manager

eSparkBiz also assigns you with an Accounts Manager. This person will not only look after your inflow and outflow of funds but will also help you with your interactions with clients and hired pupils.

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