eCommerce Industry

The eCommerce Industry almost grew doubled during the pandemic, with around $870 billion in sales in the US. By 2027, B2C eCommerce is likely to grow by $6 trillion globally. So you see, this humongous potentiality of the market mandates your product to shift from traditional brick-and-mortar showrooms to digital stores. Thinking about eCommerce mobile and app development? Then eSparkBiz is a renowned name in the eCommerce development industry that has years of eCommerce development experience. Having more than 370+ skilled developers for round-the-clock development of flexible, feature-rich apps with engaging UIs.

eSparkBiz serves eCommerce Industry with engaging development Solutions

Healthcare Industry

The on-demand health care services have pushed the healthcare industry to shake hands with digitalization. Today, around 77% of medical appointments are done online, And at least 47% of people look for doctor’s consultations and medical information online. It has to lead to open up a plethora of opportunities for the healthcare industry to go digital and double their customer experience. In such a case, our healthcare development solutions can help you grow your business and capture the market.

eSparkBiz serves Healthcare Industry adhering to their Data Privacy requirement

Media and Entertainment Industry

Today, the media and entertainment industry have truly taken the benefits of digitalization. A PwC report predicts that at least 62% of the estimated $2.6 trillion revenue of the media and entertainment industry comes from digital mediums. Leveraging the technologies, eSparkBiz’s skilled developers can help you transform your media and entertainment business. And empower you with digital solutions that can boost up your audience engagement, manage live streaming seamlessly, manage online talent, customize ads on the apps or websites, and many more. With advanced analytics features and unmatched UI/UX, our media and entertainment mobile app and software development are sure to bring a complete change in your digital journey.

eSparkBiz serves Media and Entertainment Industry with Appealing Solutions

Finance and Banking Industry

Round-the-clock access to banking services is the biggest gift of technology to the banking industry. With rising digital use, security concerns also rise. But a highly secured Digital transformation for banking services helps to prevent fraudulent activities and illicit money transfers. In addition, it helps improve the financial supply chain. Further, our custom FinTech development services let you build a highly-secured, feature-rich app with all prescribed Government policies and terms.

eSparkBiz serve Finance and Banking Industry with Highly-secure Fintech solutions

Insurance Industry

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Analysis, and other technologies have brought ground-breaking changes to the insurance sector. From writing policy terms and conditions to claiming policies, everything has gone digital. In this scenario, not embracing technology should be the last thing on your mind. To save from such faux pas, we develop scalable and fully-featured insurance software and apps with eSparkBiz to give your insurance business a leap forward.

eSparkBiz serve Insurance Industry with User-friendly FinTech Solutions

Security Industry

Technological advancements have reshaped global security capabilities. Enabling many businesses as well as countries to monitor their security concerns. From using cybersecurity, and AI for interpreting images and illegal activities to using IoT for connected security, we provide complete security solutions. So that the businesses, organizations, and official sectors can integrate smart security services into their business process.

  • Face Recognition Systems
  • Phishing Awareness Platform
  • Surveillance Management System
  • Custom Access Control System
  • Software Threat Protection Services
  • Mobile Device Management
eSparkBiz cater Security Industry with Secure Web and App solutions

Education Industry

After the pandemic, the education sector reinvented & revived itself by moving toward modern technology. It massively gave rise to the Education Technology or EdTech industry. By 2027, the EdTech industry is expected to cross $3 billion. It’s huge! Thus, digitalization brings transparency to education and many tools to help educators monitor homework, classes, submissions, smart teaching, etc. Owing to the potentiality of the technologies, we have also shifted our focus to the EdTech industry by helping businesses with cutting-edge R/VR, AI, IoT, decentralization, and more. And build easy-to-use, student-friendly, and defining EdTech apps and websites.

  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Education Portals
  • Knowledge Bases and Wikis
  • mLearning Solutions
  • Custom Tests and Assessments
  • e-learning Reporting and Analytics
  • Talent Development Systems
  • Custom Simulators
  • Interactive Whiteboards
eSparkBiz assists Education Industry in achieving User-friendly solutions

Real Estate Industry

Significantly, the Real-estate industry has moved towards embracing technology. To ease down the lengthy paper-works, enable seamless payment methods, have effective client management, and maintain transparency. With our real-estate development services backed by Big Data, AI & ML, Predictive Analysis, and Blockchain technology, you will experience a complete digital transformation of your real-estate business with greater client satisfaction.

  • Mortgage Applications
  • MLS Software for Real Estate
  • Powerful Integration/IDX Integration Solutions
  • RPA Solutions for Real Estate
  • Vendor Management Software
  • Real Estate Mobile Apps
  • Smart Homes
eSparkBiz offer Real Estate Industry with enriching Web and Software Solutions

Sports Industry

Interest in various sports, exploring the digitalized sports industry is not a bad idea. Moreover, technology is helping unlock unprecedented opportunities present in this industry. From widening the content reach to engaging sponsors and generating revenue, a fully-functional and well-designed application plays a greater role in increasing sports awareness and availability. Additionally, Fitness apps and sports coaching apps present completely different opportunities to explore sports ideas. Then why not venture into this field by leveraging our fitness/sports app development services and take your business idea a step ahead.

  • Score Tracking & Scoreboard App
  • Personal Training Mobile Apps
  • Fitness Tracker Mobile Apps
  • Betting Applications
  • Custom Scoring System
  • On-demand Sports App
eSparkBiz serve Sports Industry with effective Web and Software Solutions

Logistics and Transportation Industry

From smart capacity optimization, effective route planning, and interconnectivity between shippers and warehouses to improving safety and customer experience, digitalization in the logistics and transportation industry is proving disruptive. With eSparkBiz’s advanced software engineering, you can build fully-functional logistics and transportation apps and digital solutions to steer your growth towards innovation.

  • Asset Tracking
  • GPS Monitoring System
  • Warehouse Management
  • Supply Chain IoT Solutions
  • Inventory Management
  • Custom Mobile Applications
  • Route Planning Software
  • Parcel Audit Software
eSparkBiz helps Logistics and Transportation Industry with enriching solutions

Agri-tech Industry

There are numerous inventive ways in which technology is now potentially disrupting the agriculture sector today. Statistically, the agriculture technology industry, or even better termed the agri-tech industry is predicted to generate 9 million jobs by 2024. And 50% of agri-tech startups have come up that provide supply chain solutions. All of this and more has opened a plethora of opportunities for businesses looking to come up with something new in this actor. Here, our smart agri-tech solution scan assists you with powerful GPS technology, work process automation, global collaboration, streamlining supply and inventory, and so much more.

  • Farm Management Systems
  • Supply Chain
  • Aerial Imaging
  • Smart IoT Sensors
  • Indoor and Vertical Farming
  • Robotics and Automation
eSparkBiz delivers Agri-tech Industry with satisfactory Solutions

Food and Beverages Industry

Online food delivery systems, smart restaurant management, digital menu, and other digital services in the food and beverage industry have swiftly turned businesses to adopt digitalization in their process. And leverage the benefits of all the merging technologies to the max as possible. Fret not, for the dedicated developers from eSParkBiz have years of experience in building top-rate chatbot-integrated food delivery systems and related applications. And can help you create your own, uniquely styled F&B-related apps that users would love to visit again and again.

  • Food Product Development Software
  • Food Manufacturing ERP Systems
  • Food Industry Supply Chain Management
  • Menu Creating and Management Software
  • Kitchen Maintenance and Management Software
  • Food Quality and Food Security Solutions
  • Food Distribution and Supply Software Solutions
eSparkBiz serves Food and Beverages Industry with User-friendly Solutions

100's of Happy Clients

From IT consultants to digital agencies, ISVs, and enterprises, we, as a pioneering offshore software outsourcing firm, cater to a diverse clientele seeking reliable solutions for their software consultancy and development needs. Here are some touching testimonials from our happy clients:

Hussein Badr

The quality and speed of their work were very impressive, and their responsiveness was incredible.

Hussein Badr

Product Manager at Robusta Studio

Your ideal partner, whether you're building a team or a project.


Agile Enabled


Certified Agile Leaders


Certified Scrum Masters


Certified Product Owner


AWS Certified


IT experts with great abilities in all areas of SDLC, such as workflow optimization, progress tracking, & scheduling.


QA Engineers supervise the quality and seamless development of the digital product for assured performance.


Combining aesthetics with functionality, UI and UX designers craft perfect user experiences for your products.


To code and style the visual elements of web interfaces, ensuring they are responsive, accessible, and meet design specifications.


Project Managers (PMs) are the SPOCs overseeing projects from requirements to deployment & maintenance.


DevOps Engineers are pro at bridging the development and operations teams to streamline & speed up your processes.

Our Hiring Process: Easy, Exact, & Efficient

eSparkBiz offers resources of high caliber. When our specialists augment your team, it success rate grows to double. The agility provided by our team aids in cutting down the development cost by up to 50%.


Share the Job Requirements

We collect all the information, in detail, related to the task. This includes your goal to be met through this project, description of the developer you want and your overall budget for this project.

Timeline: 1 hour


Assess & Shortlist the Candidates

Saving your 50+ hours, we sift our talent pool and shortlist the best-fit tech experts skilled in all modern technologies..

Timeline: 1 hour


Interview & Hire

You can interview and assess the preliminary candidates., thus hiring the best developers that justify your needs, through our various flexible hiring models.

Timeline: 1 hour


Onboard & Manage

Onboarding and managing your developer(s) remotely is an ease, after SLAs is discussed and NDAs for confidentiality is signed.

Why Choose eSparkBiz?

Being a bankable and imperative IT partner, eSparkBiz oaths to brings digital transformation to your business. Our 12+ years’ remarkable expertise with 500+ global collaborations testifies the development services, state-of-the-art infrastructure, transparent transactions, and security to kickstart their digital business strategy.

Short and Long-term Contracts

Using our flexible hiring models, you can have your team appointed, for long-term or short-term, per your project and company requirements. Due to the adaptable nature, the whole process happens with ease.

Fast and Easy Hiring

The process of hiring developers from us is quite vague. eSparkBiz will have work done for you, be it selecting, onboarding, replacing, communicating, and completing paperwork. All at ease and pace.

Transparent Pricing

We believe in delivering work worth every penny. Your requirement is either for a long-term project or a short assignment, we shall have your picked developers as per the time they are employed by you.

Free Replacement

Anytime, during your project, you wish to switch a developer based on the project complexity or skills, we shall surely do so, without any extra charges as well as any downtime to the project.

Direct Communication

You always have an option to directly converse with your developer, without any middlemen. This leverages clear transfers of ideas. All you have to do is schedule a call, a standup or a meeting at your convenience.

Dedicated Account Manager

eSparkBiz also assigns you with an Accounts Manager. This person will not only look after your inflow and outflow of funds but will also help you with your interactions with clients and hired pupils.

Share your requirements to get the first relevant CVs.

Expert Insights for Digital Product Development

We at eSparkBiz are passionate about discussing recent technologies and applications. We constantly write blogs and articles associated with the field of technology. So, don't miss our detailed and insightful write-ups. You'll find all our latest blogs and blog updates here.