JAMSTACK was founded on the belief that the developer community needed a solution to overcome the potential negative connotations of the term “static.” It can assist in describing the development of a modern dynamic web app. his article aims to detail some of the unbiased pros and cons of JAMSTACK.

The notion is built on an architecture that allows a website to be given statically, such as by delivering HTML from static hosting, while also enabling dynamic content and an engaging experience to be provided through technologies like JavaScript. The acronym JAM stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup on a website.

Jamstack powers about 0.9% of all online pages, including 0.91% on desktop and 0.84% on mobile.


Why are business owners, marketers, and developers so enthusiastic about Jamstack?

How did it become one of the most popular eCommerce technologies so quickly?

To answer these questions, given below is the compiled list of the most essential benefits of Jamstack and delve a little deeper into detailing them in detail before moving on to cons.

Higher conversion rate: great and unique user experience

Creating a unique layout will help you stand out from the crowd of similar-looking websites and online stores.

It is not just about giving potential clients a good first impression, but also about creating and changing the customer journey so that it is straightforward, pleasant, and in line with the needs and feedback of the customers. Furthermore, Jamstack pages load in a fraction of a second.

Besides, you can create a website (or webshop) exactly how you want it without sacrificing performance or page load time.

Also, keep in mind that from Google’s perspective, user experience is quite crucial. Core Web Vitals has formally become ranking signals starting in May 2021, making it even more significant.

All of this can, of course, leads to fewer errors and, as a result, a higher conversion rate.

Higher organic traffic: higher SEO efficiency

One of the most crucial features of Jamstack, in terms of doing business online, appears to be SEO effectiveness.

Why not strive for the greatest potential Google rankings?

It will result in more organic traffic and, as a result, more leads. However, it will not be achievable without excellent SEO optimization.

Yes, Jamstack websites make your SEO efforts a lot easier to carry out. It is because they are quick, light, and simple to scan, which Google rewards with higher rankings.

Jamstack also entails complete control over the website’s content and structure, which is an important aspect of SEO.

Jamstack makes it simple to add unique information to your websites, such as page names, meta descriptions, and alt text, which aids Google crawlers in reading and indexing your content. SEO effectiveness also entails a fast page load time, and Jamstack websites are lightning-fast.

User experience improves as a result of speed and performance. As previously said, Jamstack webpages load in a flash.

According to Kissmetrics, the performance of a website has an impact on shopping behavior in the following manner:

  • Consumers anticipate a web page to load in two seconds or less, according to 47% of respondents.
  • 40% of customers will abandon a website if it takes more than three seconds for a page to render.
  • Quick page loading is critical to 52 percent of online shoppers when it comes to site loyalty.

On top of that, Google claims that mobile consumers quit sites that take longer than 3 seconds to load 53% of the time.

In other words, it is past time to cease bothering visitors with poor performance and allow them to just push the buy button without encountering any issues.

And, as previously said, page load speed is an essential factor in Google ranking and an important aspect of user experience.

Be always online: Expect a lot of traffic

Increasing traffic, particularly traffic spikes, may pose a difficulty for popular websites, necessitating greater effort to deal with. Jamstack, on the other hand, automatically caches pages without requiring any additional work.

There is no need for additional logic or workflow on Jamstack sites because they are supplied fully through the Content Delivery Network (CDN). CDN also means easier deployments, built-in redundancy, and incredible load capacity.

Selling everywhere: An omnichannel approach

People are increasingly using their mobile phones to access the Internet. Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices now account for more than half of all web traffic. As a result, an omnichannel strategy is required.

You can convert every visitor with Jamstack websites (and webshops) since they work on devices of any size and screen resolution.

Future-proofing: Ability to adapt and change quickly

When it comes to picking a technology to develop a website or a webshop, agility should be a top priority. Continuous improvement is necessary to produce traffic, leads, and income, as you may already know.

However, in order for this to happen, marketers and business owners must be able to easily change and integrate new features and functionalities. Fortunately, Jamstack can help you become future-proof as well.

Furthermore, you will not need to develop a new website in the next two years, as the popularity and use of Jamstack architecture appear to be growing all the time.

Integrating without a head: Avoiding limitations

When it comes to becoming a future-proof company, the headless approach is the way to go.

It is a new approach of increasing integration with eCommerce platforms or Content Management Systems if you have not heard about it yet. It enables you to bypass editing restrictions and construct your website or online store exactly how you want it. It also improves your SEO efforts and performance.

Peace of mind: Increased security

jamstack security

Traditional server-side and CMS applications are vulnerable due to the use of several APIs and services. That is why their owners must look after them on a daily basis.

Static websites, on the other hand, are not at risk because they are constructed on read-only files. Hence, such websites have no direct link to any database or server-side software.

Therefore, no vulnerabilities exist that hackers could exploit to get access to sensitive information.

Developer availability: Scalability is easier

Developers tend to pick hot technologies with a bright future, and Jamstack is one of them.

Due to its high growing popularity and usage, there are a plethora of Jamstack developers to select from. If you want to outsource your next project or start establishing a Jamstack team in-house, you will have a higher chance of finding excellent employees.

According to Jamstack Conf Virtual 2020, 35% of Jamstack-driven websites produced in the previous year are enterprise-grade.

More money to spend elsewhere: Low-cost, Portable hosting

jamstack Portable hosting
As static webpages are so light, hosting them is substantially less expensive (or even free!). You can also select any hosting option and change it at any time.

More time for other duties: Maintainability

The days of keeping an eye on the website 24 hours a day, seven days a week are passed because Jamstack sites do not require that level of monitoring.

Since the majority of the crucial work is completed during development, the need for server patching, upgrading, and maintenance is almost eliminated.

More independence: Ability to easily develop new pages

The use of pre-made components and functionalities dramatically reduces the time it takes to construct a product. If you know how to code, for example, you can create pages or landing pages without needing to hire a developer.


As previously said, Jamstack has many drawbacks, and not everyone will find it beneficial. To begin with, creating a Jamstack website has a cost, which may not be the best solution for people who do not rely heavily on their website’s performance.

Small businesses, for example, may use their website solely as a “digital business card.” The same is true in the case of businesses that do not need to produce a lot of traffic or be at the top of the Google rankings.

In other words, businesses that do not consider their website as a primary source of revenue might save money by using WordPress alone and yet receive decent results, as Jamstack has done:

Coding may be required

The ease with which you can update your website or landing pages is determined by how they were built. If you do not know how to code, you may require the assistance of a trained developer.

Not fully compatible with plugins

In many cases, a pleasant user experience and customization freedom come at the expense of the ability to use plugins. There is one exception, however: Gatsby.

Not suitable for dynamic environments

For simple text and pictures, static pages (also known as Jamstack pages) are appropriate. You will have to put in more effort if you want dynamic features on your website because dynamic features are not included by default in the Jamstack design.

Preparing a preview takes time

As a static page, you must “construct” it each time you make a change, which may be a big headache in the case of larger websites.

When should JAMSTACK be used?

You can make practically any form of the website using Jamstack, but like any other technology, it has some optimal use cases and some that you might want to reconsider.

The following are the most common scenarios:


Jamstack allows you to develop a one-of-a-kind user experience that is also quick and SEO-friendly. It not only aids in consumer engagement but also in achieving higher Google rankings, which eventually leads to an increase in conversion rates and sales results.

Custom landing pages

Thanks to reusable components, Jamstack simplifies designing landing pages faster and easier. You can create landing pages without involving a developer if your website is connected to a CMS like Sanity.

Software and SaaS

A website is similar to a business card in terms of software and SaaS. It is usually your clients’ first point of contact. Thanks to Jamstack’s bespoke design and faultless user experience, you can make a terrific first impression.

Also Read : A-Z Information About The SaaS Pricing Models

JAMSTACK’S Pros And Cons

Now that you know what Jamstack is and what it can accomplish, it is time to dig a little deeper and learn about the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing it.


The Jamstack is a cutting-edge design that has taken the internet by storm. It offers a slew of features right out of the box, with few drawbacks, allowing you to boost the web experience for both you and your users.

The advantages of static development can be more than disadvantages for particular projects. JAMstack may be the ideal option for small and medium-sized projects that require a specialized set of dynamic functionalities. The challenge, as always, is to match the appropriate tools and strategy to the particular project requirements.

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.