Software Development is the core IT activity in the Business world requiring intense research, prototyping, maintaining and various other application activities. It is vital for business development as it gives an edge to the competition and helps clients launch innovative, productive and efficient products.

Global spending on enterprise software development

According to a report, Global spending on enterprise software development is expected to touch 755BN USD by 2024. Software Development follow various methodologies to achieve enhanced software results. Software Development Methodologies help businesses to have clarity to the software development process offering predefined workflows for developing quality software solutions. 

What are Software Development Methodologies?

Software Development Methodologies are a series of steps or processes that an organization follows to streamline its software development process. These methodologies involve planning, structuring, tracking, gathering feedback, and internal operations to improve the overall quality of the workflow. These software engineering methodologies use pre-defined structured workflow to ease development processes. 

Software development companies employ different Software Development Methodologies and frameworks for different projects depending on their requirements. As these methodologies provide a transparent workflow, clients occasionally engage (as per the software development methodologies used) to contribute their insights.

Companies that develop software help clients build their products by streamlining the project development phases, removing the non-productive tasks, aligning according to the client’s preference, helping in reducing the time-to-market, analyzing the market trends, releasing working software in small bits or releasing an MVP (minimum viable product) according to the methodology followed. 

All software design methodologies have their own set of principles and values, basic workflow processes, and predefined timelines. streamlined process is vital even for the smallest IT project in order to be competent enough to survive in the market. 

Why Adhere To Software Development Methodology?

Selecting a software development approach and adhering to it strictly throughout the project is very important. When you take the software development technique for granted, there are many hazards.

In case of communication breakdowns and unorganized direction of work, developers may struggle to keep up with client’s shifting demands. Without taking the project’s overall implications into account, this usually causes software revisions.

However, adhering to software development methodologies is beneficial since each product development plan has a specific objective: to assist you in making the most of your resources in order to provide a high-quality result as soon as feasible.

Organizations shouldn’t rely only on a team’s expertise and software technologies. To make the most of these resources, effective project management is essential. According to PMI’s 2019 The Future of Work report, around 12% of lost investments are attributable to poor performance brought on by poor management. According to a different PMI study, a company that develops software products employs a more sophisticated project management process and requires 28% fewer resources overall.

Top 15 Software Development Methodologies

There are a number of example of software development methodology one can apply for an organization, even one can create a new methodology that suits their requirement. Here are a few software development methodologies which are as follows.

1. Waterfall Methodology

This is the most traditional model of software development dating back to the 1970s. The waterfall model has been in use for decades because it is based on a strict plan-driven approach. 

Waterfall Methodology

The methodology follows a rigid linear workflow of sequential phases like the flow of water. Each stage acts as an input to the next stage so completion of each stage with precision is essential before moving to the next one because each step is irreversible and there is no possibility of alteration with changing requirements.

Each stage acts as an input to the next stage so completion of each stage with precision is essential before moving to the next one because each step is irreversible and there is no possibility of alteration with changing requirements. The process goes only in the forward direction, simply put whatever is decided at the beginning of the project is conducted without any change.

Waterfall Based Model goes through Six Stages

  • Analysis: The development team discovers all the requirements of the project in full detail. The gathered information is well captured and documented in this phase in order to accurately identify all customer demands from the beginning.
  • Design: The information collected from the first stage acts as input here. The system design is prepared in this stage by studying all the stated requirements and analyzing all the hardware and software requirements to build the software and define the architecture of the system.
  • Implementation: Receiving the input from the design stage, the developer(s) implements the user interface design. The system is developed initially in small programs called units. All these units once developed are tested for their proper functionality.
  • Integration and Testing: After receiving all the units from the implementation stage they get integrated into a system. The quality analysis engineer then tests the whole system for bugs and faults. 
  • Deployment: After completion of the testing processes, you deploy the system in the customer’s environment i.e. you share its prototype with the client.
  • Maintenance: With the release of the system project if there is any error or issue in the client’s environment then patches come into existence as the team releases them to provide full support and resolve issues

Benefits of Waterfall Model

  • The model is easy to understand and implement
  • Best suited for fixed-price projects with one-time stable requirement(s)
  • Specification document includes pre-defined test-cases which makes the testing simpler
  • The management of smaller projects is easy because of their needs are clear and less prone to variations
  • Easily managed due to rigid phases with the review process for each phase is separate
  • Less experienced team(s) can easily benefit
  • Time savings due to the sequential completion of phases

Few Shortcomings of the Waterfall Model

  • The model has no room for adjustment or any requirement, the process is irreversible and not flexible
  • The analysis phase becomes lengthy due to the detailed documentation of requirements
  • Only the final stage of development can involve testing the software
  • It is often slow and costlier due to rigid control phases
  • Not suitable for long-term development/maintenance/complex projects
  • Higher uncertainty as outcomes may not comply with the client’s requirements

The waterfall model offers predictability, scheduling, and budgeting solutions. The model is best suited where:

  •  Project details are very clear
  •  Project is small
  •  Requirements are stable
  • Technology is clearly understood

2. Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile is one of the best software development methodologies deployed by around61.5% of developers as revealed by a statistics report. Iterations or sprints, which are basically just short blocks of a larger project, are how the Agile software development technique divides up the work into smaller parts. Software development, testing, and customer feedback prioritization occur over the course of each sprint, or iteration, which lasts between 1-4 weeks.

Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an example of software development methodology which focuses on delivering working products after every sprint and working on the feedback received, Every size organization prefers this approach since it is flexible.

For the development of complex and lengthy projects which require more development time, this model is suitable. The process of splitting helps the developing team to release products thereby gathering responses that help them in final development and reduce the risk to match the client’s expectations.

Agile Development Model goes through Six Stages

Plan: The process begins by discussing the client’s idea about the project. Usually, the client has a rough vision of the project and the team helps to discover a plan and discuss problems to reach a best-case working scenario that fits their vision

Design: Using the documentation received after planning, the experts create a functional design so that a client can get a view of the end product. This step is crucial as it acts as a blueprint in the development process.

Develop: Once the design is complete the developer adds code to the design.

Testing: To ensure the quality of the product, the custom software is put through rigorous testing. It removes the bug(s) or issues or resolves the detected issues.

Launch/Deploy: This step involves launching the product or software to the client.

Review: Feedback from the customer is collected and analyzed. Agile is dedicated to receiving responses to change and development continuously. This helps to develop a better version at the end of every iteration.

Benefits of using the Agile Development Methodology

  • The model is flexible in approach and changes are easy to implement
  • Requirement of resources is minimal
  • Each iteration results in a working product
  •  Small iterations make analysis easy, which leads to the development of high-quality software.
  • Lower risk involved as client’s feedback is taken into consideration
  • Project budget is well defined as costing is decided before each iteration
  • Clarity between team members due to transparent development
  • No room for guesswork in the development process as there is a flow of communication between team and client

Few Shortcomings of the Agile Model

  • Higher risk of sustainability, maintenance, and extensibility
  • Requires experts to drive project
  • Dependency on client’s feedback is more which can lead to confusion
  • Improper documentation makes it hard for new team members to cope up
  • No strict deadlines due to changing project requirements

Agile is one of the software design methodologies that offers flexibility to projects by including clients’ feedback and changing requirements. The model is suitable where experts can handle changing market trends. This works best for urgent projects that are complex or unstructured in nature

3. Scrum Methodology

Scrum methodology is the most famous evolution of Agile management. The scrum model is based on splitting a project into iterations/sprints and delivering a working project at the end of every sprint. Usually, each sprint ranges between 2 to 4 weeks. This approach is a bit more formed approach with strict rules.

Scrum Methodology

The Scrum team comprises: 

  • A product owner (either representing a client or a direct client) who communicates the project and its aim to the team.
  • A scrum master who is responsible for working with the product owner and guiding the team to deliver the project efficiently, and
  • A scrum development team delivers working results at the end of every sprint.

Scrum methodology allows for the speedy execution of projects, detects issues, forms a model, and gathers user feedback. Daily scrum meetings help to evaluate the progress of the project and remain focused.

Scrum-based Model goes through Four Stages

  • Sprint Planning: Before starting a sprint, the client and the project manager have a preliminary meeting to go over the objectives and approach(es) of the task. Each sprint has different aims.
  • Daily Scrum: A brief meeting in which the scrum master and the team discuss the project’s progress, and plans for the day and resolve issues on a daily basis till the end of the sprint. 
  • Sprint Review: The team presents the work done at the end of the sprint. The client reviews the results and provides his feedback
  • Sprint Retrospective: The aim of sprint retrospection is to figure out improvements and improve in the next sprint. This stage serves to discuss mistakes and improve overall performance in future tasks.

Benefits of Scrum Methodology

  • A very flexible model that makes changes easily
  • Frequent meetings help the team to stay on track
  • Any sized organization can apply the scrum model
  • Speedy project execution and fast-paced results
  • Not well-defined requirement is no hindrance
  • Release working products every 2-4 weeks
  • It takes little time to identify and fix issues
  • Priority to client’s feedback
  • Appreciating contribution of each team member
  • Easy to deliver a quality project within a decided deadline

Few Shortcomings of the Scrum Model

  • Not suitable for new or lesser-skilled developers
  • Not suitable for large complex projects
  • Not following strict deadlines could lead to delayed product release
  • Constant updates on projects sometimes can be tedious
  • Slow moving project due to a number of iterations
  • Estimation of project cost and time of delivery is difficult to decide because projects do not have an end date.

Scrum Methodology is best suited for projects where the client does not have clarity at the beginning and develops an insight as the project advances. Projects that are small and fast-moving gain benefits with this model. This method is effective for a team of skilled and experienced experts as novices cannot cope with tight timelines.

4. Lean Software Development Methodology

Lean software design methodologies are one of the methodologies that are flexible in their working at a low budget. It mainly focuses on minimizing workflow activities and increasing efficiency. This approach believes in cutting down excessive meetings, documentation, and other non-productive tasks.

The principal element of the Lean model is to build software in less time with a smaller budget. The team develops an MVP (minimum viable product) and releases it to gather feedback from the client and consider suggestions for improvement. This allows the team to develop projects at a faster pace and deliver them on time.

There is no wastage of time on non-productive activities and resources as the lean development methodology focuses on providing quality product delivery and at the same time encouraging a healthy work environment respecting the human resources.

Stages of Lean Development Methodology

  • Define Value: Determining what a client requires in terms of product, delivery, and budget. Discovering these needs is sometimes difficult as the client may just have an ambiguous idea of a project due to the project’s novelty, using qualitative and quantitative approaches the team can understand what a client wants.
  • Map the value stream: This stage involves identifying and mapping the value stream. Using customer’s value as reference sifting activities that are useful and useless for the project. By rejecting unwanted activities, the team can ensure that they deliver what the client demands. 
  • Create Flow: This stage ensures proper flow of the proceeding stages. Avoiding any barriers and delivering the project(s) successfully.
  • Establish Pull: Adopting a pull-based system that ensures the production of products at the required time and in the required quantity. This takes place to reduce waste in the production process
  • Continuous Improvement: It is a part of every organization to continuously learn and reduce the wastage of resources, effort, cost, and mistakes.

Benefits of using Lean Methodology

  • Very budget friendly as it cuts down unwanted tasks
  • The fast speed of development aids in delivering projects well in time
  • The software has a short time-to-market with the development of MVP 
  • Best for new start-ups
  • The understanding of clear client’s vision
  • The development team gets empowered during the project and is able to make acute decisions

Few Shortcomings of Lean Methodology

  • This methodology requires an adequate skill set of the developer
  • The model’s approach lacks in detailed documentation for some projects
  • High precision is required to keep track of the project

The lean development methodology is best suited for small projects with a lower budget. As the lean model focuses on the no-wastage principle of resources and tasks and increased efficiency, this makes the team size compact. The management of small tasks is therefore quite effective. This model best suits start-ups that have a low budget and can easily develop an MVP.  

5. Extreme Programming Methodology (XP)

Extreme programming (XP) is one of Agile’s Software Development Methodologies built upon values and principles allowing mid-sized teams to produce high-quality projects. With continuous planning and testing, the model is able to provide a fully functional product while reducing the cost of unnecessary processes. When you consider the client’s feedback, the methodology works well in an unstable environment.

Extreme Programming

Unlike other Software Development Methodologies, XP is opinionated in terms of engineering practices. The decision-making is based on five values: simplicity, communication, feedback, respect, and courage. 

The developer split the project into small iterations with frequent meetings to check the overall progress. It is a set of development practices like:

  • Writing acceptance tests
  • Programmers check each other’s codes for errors
  • Reconstruct existing code
  • Developers work on the same code functionality in turns
  • Continuously integrating new codes in existing codes
  • Testing the product for proper functioning

Stages of Extreme Programming Methodology

  • Planning: The process starts when the client mentions the requirements and functionalities required. This provides an idea to the team about the client’s idea about the project, this document may not be very well technical or defined in itself. The team then divides the project into a number of iterations and defined timelines.
  • Managing: Effective management is the key to the XP model’s functionality. The team works in collaboration to avoid errors in developing the software. Management involves initiating iterations, having regular sync-up meetings, tracking progress, reassigning tasks when required, and changing rules if XP isn’t working well for the team.
  • Designing: This stage follows the simplicity value where the team develops the requested tasks by breaking the whole task into smaller processes. The team starts with the simplest design thus creating spike solutions for potential problems. 
  • Coding: Extreme model practice collective code ownership where the team as a whole can review the code to add any code or fix any bug. XP practice pair programming where developers work in pairs to develop a code. 
  • Testing:  Before being made public, codes must pass rigorous testing to remove errors and bugs.  Acceptance tests are also run frequently.

Benefits of using XP Methodology

  • Easy to work in unstable environments
  • Consideration of client’s feedback
  • Works well for small and large teams
  • Continual client interaction helps to effectively control risk
  • Highly focused on project planning and team management
  • Very cost-effective

Few Shortcomings of XP Methodology

  • Higher client involvement
  • Pair programming of developers is time-consuming
  • Documentation is less
  • Budget planning is difficult due to varying project requirements
  • Changing initially discussed requirements at a later stage of development leads to higher project costs

Extreme Methodology is best suited when a client does not have a very clear vision of a project and develops with ongoing processes. Prioritizing client input and amendments when the situation is unstable and calls for them.

6. Feature-Driven Development Methodology

Feature-Driven Development (FDD), an agile technique for software development, aims to deliver real software solutions frequently and effectively. It is incremental, customer-centric, and iterative. Teams can easily find issues and update the project with FDD. It is helpful for businesses that want to make the switch from a phase-based to an iterative strategy. 

Stages of FDD Methodology

  • Preparation of a comprehensive project model
  • Features list
  • Milestone-driven, feature-focused iterations
  • Feature-based design
  • Feature-based build

Benefits of FDD Methodology

  • By using a feature that is a targeted strategy, the project’s progress is tracked under the feature-driven development model.
  • It makes it possible for several teams to work at once. Therefore, the time is cut down.
  • FDD assists in advancing bigger projects and achieving consistent success.

Few Shortcomings of FDD Methodology

  • A software developer working alone should avoid using this practice for smaller projects.
  • Clients are unable to obtain proof of their software using this process because no written documentation is available for them.

7. Prototyping Methodology

With the prototype methodology, software engineers are able to produce merely a prototype of the proposed solution in order to show clients how it works. Before developing the final application, use this process to make all necessary adjustments. The ability to address various problems that commonly arise in a typical waterfall model is this software development methodology’s best quality.

Stages of Prototyping Methodology

  • Determine Goals
  • Develop
  • Refine
  • Demonstrate
  • Test 
  • Implement

Benefits of Prototype Model

  • This model’s structure is customizable.
  • Errors are simple to find.
  • Missing features are easy to trace.
  • The developer can utilize it in the future for harder projects.
  • It ensures increased levels of comfort and client satisfaction.

Few Shortcomings of Prototype Model

  • This model is expensive.
  • Due to the constantly changing client requirements, it has inadequate documentation.
  • The range of criteria can be too vast.
  • Sometimes after seeing an early prototype, customers demand delivery of the finished product.

8. Rapid Application Development (RAD Model)

RAD is a flexible approach to software development that places less of a focus on detailed design and more on testing and quick feedback. The RAD approach often places more emphasis on prototyping and development than it does on planning. This software development methodology allows for quick software updates and iterations without having to start from scratch.

Stages of RAD Model

  • Business modeling
  • Data modeling
  • Process modeling
  • Application generation
  • Testing & Modeling

Benefits of RAD Model

  • Utilizing reusable components shortens the project’s cycle time.
  • During the earliest stages, customer feedback is available.
  • Less expensive because fewer developers are needed.
  • Powerful development tools enable the production of higher-caliber goods in comparatively less time.

Few Shortcomings of RAD Model

  • Highly skilled professionals are needed to use powerful and effective tools.
  • The project could fail if there are no reusable parts.
  • To finish the project by the deadline, the team leader must work collaboratively with the developers and clients.

9. Dynamic Systems Development Methodology

The Rapid Application Development approach served as the foundation for the Dynamic Systems Development Model’s development. This method promotes ongoing user interaction in an incremental and iterative manner. Delivering software solutions on pre-decided time and within budget is its key goal.

Stages in DSD Methodology

  • Feasibility and business analysis
  • Iteration of a functional model
  • Building iterations
  • Implementation

Benefits of DSD Methodology

  • With a swift time to market and a high-quality solution, it offers a high degree of client satisfaction.
  • The procedure is effective and efficient, resulting in a low total cost of ownership.
  • It gives development teams a better work/life balance, allowing them to take fewer sick days and work fewer hours overall, which boosts their creativity and productivity.
  • It makes the timetable and cost more predictable.

Few Shortcomings of DSD Methodology

  • Project management must be done in a systematic manner to succeed.
  • There is a lot of documentation needed.
  • Clear frameworks are required to enable management reporting.

10. Spiral Methodology

The Spiral Model is a complex model that concentrates on early risk detection and mitigation. In this approach of software development methodologies, the developers start off small, investigate the risks associated with the project, create a plan to manage the risks, and then determine whether to move forward with the project to complete the next spiral iteration.

Stages of Spiral Methodology

  • Analysis
  • Evaluation
  • Development
  • Planning

Benefits of Using Spiral Methodology

  • With this technique, risk avoidance is undoubtedly decreased due to the significant quantity of risk analysis being done.
  • Large and important projects benefit from using this methodology.
  • Additional functionality in the spiral model can be implemented in the future.

Few Shortcomings of Spiral Model

  • In terms of development, it is undoubtedly an expensive model to use.
  • The risk analysis stage identifies whether the entire project will succeed, hence failure in this phase could harm the project as a whole.
  • For low-risk initiatives, it is not suitable.

11. Joint Application Development Methodology

The ultimate goal of the joint application development technique is to involve the customer in the development process and create a final product that is more satisfying and will more effectively meet the client’s needs. Through a series of workshops, it enables clients to fully control the development of their projects and to take part in the development of their applications.

Stages of JAD Methodology

  • Specify goals
  • Setting up the meeting
  • Managing the session
  • Documentation

Benefits of JAD Methodology

  • It enables you to create better, error-free software and solve problems more quickly.
  • All hazards are reduced by the company’s and the clients’ cooperative efforts.
  • It cuts back on expenses and project development time.
  • The close communication makes progress more rapid.

Few Shortcomings of JAD Methodology

  • It is challenging for the team to keep focus and align goals due to differing viewpoints.
  • It could need a substantial time commitment, depending on the project’s scale.

12. Rational Unified Process (RUP) Methodology

An object-oriented model software development process is called Rational Unified Process (RUP). It is often referred to as the Unified Process Model. It manages the software development process and creates high-quality software. It serves just as a model for the development of software.

Stages of RUP Methodology

  • Inception
  • Elaboration
  • Construction
  • Transition

Benefits of RUP Methodology

  • With a focus on precise documentation, this system is comprehensive in and of itself.
  • It can proactively address project risks brought on by the client’s changing needs, which require careful change request management.
  • Integration takes less time as it progresses through the software development life cycle.
  • Reusing components reduces the amount of time needed for development.

Few Shortcomings of RUP Methodology

  • To develop software using this process, the team members must be experts in their fields.
  • The development method is overly cumbersome and unstructured data.
  • Reusing components won’t be possible on cutting edge applications that make use of new technology. It will therefore be difficult to save the time that could have been done.

13. DevOps Methodology

The DevOps methodology makes it easier for IT operations and software development to work together. These two teams often operate in separate silos, but this approach enables them to work together and promote implementation of the project from the design stage to product delivery. It permits continuous product delivery and ensures improved results.

Stages of DevOps Methodology

  • Continuous Development
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Testing
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Analysis

Benefits of DevOps Methodology

  • Rapid application development and deployment.
  • Improved business growth through quicker responsiveness to market changes.
  • Reduced software delivery times and transportation expenses boost business profits.
  • Enhances client satisfaction and experience.
  • Cooperation is made easier because all the tools are accessible to customers in the cloud.

Few Shortcomings of DevOps methodology

  • DevOps experts are less readily available.
  • Setting up a DevOps system has hefty infrastructure costs.
  • Continuous integration issues with automation initiatives can emerge from a lack of DevOps understanding.

14. Adaptive Software Development (ASD) Methodology

Adaptive Software Development (ASD) and Rapid Application Development (RAD) are similar. It is based on rapid modification, re-evaluation, and developing products with minimal preparation and continuous learning in adaptive software development. There are no predetermined steps or standard life cycles to follow. It is regarded as the best technique for developing intricate systems and software.

Stages of ASD Methodology

  • Speculate
  • Collaborate
  • Learn

Benefits of ASD Methodology

  • Useful for the quick and intricate development of software products.
  • Simple software incremental adjustment.
  • Place an emphasis on the end user, fulfilling requests and requirements.
  • Allows timely delivery and optimal client satisfaction.
  • Ensures strong transparency between clients and developers.

Few Shortcomings of ASD Methodology

  • It can be difficult to work in a chaotic situation.
  • It requires extensive research and continual attention to proceed only with the task.
  • Significant user/client participation required.
  • Testing is necessary, which raises the cost with each iteration.

15. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Methodology

Using the BDD process, an application is defined and built by specifying how its behavior should seem to a third party. The strategy is built on improved Test-Driven Development (TDD). In essence, it directs just those system actions whose execution is necessary for business objectives. It also encourages ongoing discussion and the utilisation of specific situations to further reduce resource waste.

Stages of BDD Methodology

  • Finding the scenario for the feature
  • Writing an unsuccessful feature test
  • Completing the test
  • When necessary, refactor the code

Benefits of BDD Methodology

  • Improved understanding of corporate objectives and client needs.
  • Among other software development methodologies, it employs less technical languages, which reaches a wider audience.
  • Assists in establishing acceptability criteria prior to development.
  • Focuses on how the system behaves from the client’s and developer’s perspectives.
  • Helps to prevent needless features and incorporates things that are crucial.

Few Shortcomings of BDD Methodology

In order to resolve uncertainties and issues raised by the user stories, contact between the client and the developer is crucial, thus if the user is not available, it will be challenging.

Software Development Methodologies Comparison

Opt for the methodologies to provide high-quality software that fit the market requirements and provide client satisfaction. With changing, market trends methodologies have also evolved in their values and functionalities. Software development methodologies comparison between different methodologies is as listed:

Basic Philosophy

Waterfall: It is the traditional software design methodologies of the IT industry. It is based on a linear and sequential approach to developing projects systematically from one stage to the next stage.

Agile: It is one of the famous software development methodologies based on values and principles that promote the collaboration of teams and clients to deliver high-quality products at a fast pace and continuously focus on improvement with client satisfaction.

Scrum: It is one of the most practical software development processes and methodologies based on the division of projects and time to enhance productivity. The aim of the Scrum model is to make the development process less complex and make information transparent.

Lean: One of the software development methodologies that highly focuses on reducing the wastage of resources and time. It is based on rejecting non-productive tasks during the development phase that do not add any value to the client or business.  

Extreme (XP): It is one of the most specific software development methodologies aiming to produce high-quality products from small or mid-sized teams. Core principles include simplicity, communication, feedback, courage, and respect.

Development speed

Waterfall Model Depends On Project

Development speed Weeks
Agile 1-4 weeks
Scrum 2-4 weeks
Lean 1-2 weeks
Extreme 1-6 weeks

Waterfall: Development time depends on project size. 

Agile: The iteration duration is between 1-4 weeks.

Scrum: The iteration period is usually 2-4 weeks.

Lean: Iteration is very short for 1-2 weeks.

Extreme: Iteration usually lasts for 1-6 weeks.

When to Apply

Waterfall: It is applied where software development has a clear set of requirements. Best suited for fix-sized projects.

Agile: It can be applied to any sized project.

Scrum: It is best suited for long-term projects and complex projects are handled efficiently.

Lean: Applied where teams are new or by startups that produce MVP (minimum viable product)

Extreme: Best suited where the team is efficient enough to write codes within strict timelines. Small and less complex projects. 

Client involvement

Waterfall:  It is applicable where software development has a clear set of requirements

Agile:  Any project of any size can use it.

Scrum:  Suitable for long-term projects and can handle complex projects efficiently.

Lean: The client provides feedback on sample screens.

Extreme: The client defines the requirements, estimation, and prioritization. 


Waterfall: To stay within the prescribed budget and decided deadlines.

Agile: To deliver the project at the fastest pace.

Scrum: To satisfy client’s requirements by having effective communication and continuously delivering according to the feedback.

Lean: To deliver the product according to market trends.

Extreme: To produce high-quality products while fulfilling the changing client’s requirements.

Customer Feedback

Waterfall: The involvement of clients is maximum during the discovery phase.

Agile: Receiving feedback from the client at the end of every sprint.

Scrum: The project manager reports to clients about the progress of the project to get their feedback.

Lean: Develop a minimum viable product and gather feedback to improve the product. 

Extreme: Developers release software frequently and get feedback(s).

Team Size

Waterfall: The team is quite large with more than 15 members. 

Agile: The size of the team is about 5-11 members. 

Scrum: Around 3-9 members comprise a scrum team.

Lean: 4-6 people comprise a team for project(s).

Extreme: A team size of 12-16 developers complete the project.

Thinking of the Best Methodology for Your Software Project?

In the previous few decades, the software industry environment has seen significant change. Companies now have to perform data analysis prior to providing the final products. To manage the full project lifecycle, tech giants such as Google and  Microsoft, created new frameworks.

The software development methodologies for your project will determine its success or failure. Considering that using the wrong methodology might result in displeased customers, irate employees, and delayed delivery. As a result, you should carefully select the one for your business.

There is a pool of Software Development Methodologies to choose from when one needs to develop a project. Software development processes and methodologies have immensely evolved providing tailor-fit solutions to your needs. The best development methodology depends on your vision for your product. It is overwhelming to choose the best methodology since one methodology does not fit every requirement. 

Here are some points that can help you choose one of the best Software Development Methodologies for your project :

  • Clear requirements of all the features you want to include in the project.
  • Having a clear picture of the software product that you want to have at the end of the development process.
  • Cost for the project you are willing to pay.
  • Clarity about the deliverables, and the amount of time in development you are willing to invest.
  • Involvement throughout the project in terms of feedback.
  • Have a rough estimation of cost in case of delay in the project.

You can provide your projects with a regular structure so that you can effectively strategize them by integrating a top-notch software product development approach. Software Engineering Methodologies can standardize the process of launching your product. Working smartly and effectively will enable you to outperform your rivals and garner the loyalty of stakeholders.


Employing Software Development Methodologies is the need of the hour. For successful project delivery, project management is the key. Using the best methodology that best suits the project is the primary and deciding element for any development project. Different development projects adopt different software engineering methodologies discussed so far as they have their own set of strengths and weaknesses. It becomes very crucial to choose the best fit for your software development. All these software design methodologies practically work well based on the nature of the project.

One methodology may work well for one project while being a misfit for another. Also, these software design methodologies have their set of shortcomings, principles, time-frame, and applicabilities which a developer(s)/team(s) should keep in mind before selecting the methodology for their software development project(s).

Contact the organizations now to gain full assistance in your custom software development. The Software Development Methodologies offered by the companies have expert managers, developers, and a team who handle the projects very efficiently. They have market-based skills that will aid in delivering a successful product to you. Choosing the right methodology out of so many software engineering methodologies becomes easier for them and so is product development.

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What are the various methodologies for software development?

    The following are some prominent software development methodologies:

    • Agile Development
    • Lean
    • Waterfall
    • Scrum
    • Rapid Application Development (RAD)
    • DevOps
    • Kanban

    Various other methodologies for software development include:

    • Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
    • Extreme Programming (XP)
    • Dynamic System Development Model Methodology (DSDMM)
    • Spiral Model
    • Joint Application Development Methodology
    • Prototype Methodology
    • Rational Unified Process methodology
  2. What methodology is the most effective for developing software?

    There are no simple solutions to this problem. Your overall aims will determine the best development process. Evaluate your structural setup.

    Remember that every platform has unique features. You need to weigh your options, whether feature-driven development methodology is required or extreme coding is necessary for your system.

  3. Are there particular tools for Agile?

    Despite the fact that Agile does not necessitate a specific set of tools for adoption, not all conventional project management, and other technologies are compatible with Agile. While some businesses implement the principles using index cards and sticky notes, others adapt their existing tools in an Agile manner. When it comes to managing requirements, collaborating, and testing, some development teams use the JIRA software.

  4. Which kind of projects work best with the agile methodology?

    While the agile development approach is excellent for projects with dynamic needs where rapid changes in the product arise on a regular basis, the traditional methodology is best suited for projects with specified, clearly stated criteria.