In this digital-first age, almost every business wants to be at the top and provide the best experience to users. This in turn has left businesses hiring more and more IT enthusiasts who can be in tandem with the digital trend.

To meet a temporary demand that may not require dedicated personnel year-round, hiring a full-time developer is not only a costly affair but also very difficult to maintain. In such a scenario, staff augmentation is a perfect alternative.

In this model, you can hire dedicated programmer or IT staff on a pay-per-project basis without spending much time on the recruitment process, onboarding process, or any other formalities that are usually done when you recruit a full-time employee.

So, in simple terms, IT staff augmentation is a process of hiring or adding IT professionals to your existing team for a specific project on pay per project basis or hourly basis. This opens a plethora of benefits for businesses that we are going to discuss in this blog.

But before discussing the benefits of IT Staff Augmentation in detail, let us know how big the market for Staff Augmentation is and what it holds for the future.

IT Staff Augmentation Market

Back in 2019, the market for IT staffing was $92.5 billion, which has grown exponentially post the Covid-19 pandemic to $139.2 billion.

According to a Gartner report, the revenue from total Cloud services grew from $214 billion to $249 billion. This is due to the increased use of digital products by users worldwide.

The market for global IT services is expected to rise with a 10.36% CAGR during the period 2022-2027.

market for global IT services is expected to rise

And to talk about the application development and software development market as a whole, they are expected to reach $200 billion and $326 billion respectively.

Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation

Having discussed the basics of staff augmentation and the market prospect of the same, let us now drive into the core of this blog, discussing more the benefits of IT Staff Augmentation. It is perhaps these benefits that businesses are more and more shifting their focus on hiring dedicated IT developers on the Staff Augmentation model rather than hiring for full-time.

IT Staff Augmentation Benefits

1. Access to Global Talent Pool

The digital world has opened a global marketplace for businesses which acts more as a warzone where every business tries to mark its presence. When the competition among businesses goes global, why shouldn’t the talent pool be?

Hiring professionals through the IT Staff Augmentation model lets you connect with the global talent pool and hire them for your temporary or work-in-progress projects. You get access to the most skilled-in developers with knowledge of the latest tools and technologies.

Serving your clients worldwide requires you to be equipped with modern technologies and the skillsets in trend. Suppose your client asks for a special requirement in the project whose locally expert developers are hard to find. IT staff augmentation benefits at that time.

You can have access to a global talent pool, and your developer can be sitting at any corner of the world providing 24/7 service to you as per your requirement. You can accomplish your projects successfully by leveraging the benefits of the strategies these developer use. There are high chances that you will get a developer who meets all your requirements.

Usually, these developers have years of experience that prove beneficial for your business. As they work with clients all over the world, they have huge exposure that can help you shape your project too.

2. Cost-Efficient

Among all other benefits of staff augmentation, cost-effectiveness is the most appealing advantage. As you temporarily hire augmented professionals, you save onboarding costs, monthly salaries, taxes, bonuses, training, medical, and overall management.

Two key factors make IT staff augmentation affordable:

  • The augmented professionals lead your business to a better position when it comes to your competitors.
  • Access to a broader talent pool lowers costs than hiring a regular employee.

Staff augmentation helps you pay for the talent only for an allotted time, without the long-term, costly commitment. That empowers you to reach wider business scopes and markets with extended manpower cost-effectively.

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3. Risk Management

Since you’ll be making an instruction checklist for the augmented staff, you’re guaranteed competence. But additionally, your business might also witness a cutback in risks related to investments and other internal procedures.

IT staff augmentation companies aim to maximize their resources by minimizing risks for your business.

4. Workforce Flexibility

Another amazing advantage of staff augmentation is the flexibility in the workforce. This directly affects the hiring cost. Flexible manpower is recruited temporarily and works only for a particular period or purpose.

You can scale the workforce up or down as per your requirement. Full-time or permanent hiring restricts your ability to access new talents. But, with the IT staff augmentation model, you can choose the right person with the exact skillset you need. You do not have to make any abiding commitment with the professional.

5. Quality Personnel

By partnering with a reputed staff augmentation company, like eSparkBiz, you can avail quality personnel for the job. You get an unbiased and focused workforce that undertakes your project with utmost dedication and meets deadlines with precision. Their main aim is to ascertain success on the projects they have been assigned.

Moreover, staff augmentation vendors enable companies to make the most of the available resources and keep the costs low while prioritizing efficiency.

6. Smooth Operational Framework

The talented staff augmentation offers your business an upper hand over the competitors through the smooth functioning of operations. The professionals hold domain-focused expertise that enhances the efficiency of the operational framework.

Because of the massive exposure to varied technologies and tools, augmented professionals add value to the internal teams. They do not require training and ascertain smooth operations. Hence, an enhanced operational framework helps you save abundant time on development and marketing.

In the present digital landscape, many new technologies are emerging in the market every year. Thus, it gets challenging for a business to have that degree of in-house expertise in a short time. That’s where staff augmentation benefits your business.

The augmented professionals are focused on adopting the latest technologies and enhancing their skills according to the market trends. eSparkBiz is your one-stop destination to outsource your IT development needs. Our professionals are well-versed with the latest technologies and ensure that they stay up-to-date with the latest market trends.

7. Better Control

Staff augmentation allows you to rent a coder you need, and the service provider looks after the organizational and administrative headaches. Recruiting experts to assist you in your project lets you concentrate on other important business activities while keeping a close watch on the augmented team.

But it is crucial to be extremely careful while choosing the IT staff augmentation company. You need to follow a few best practices and set realistic expectations and goals for the project. Failing to do so might lead to numerous project iterations and resource wastage.

8. Empower Internal Teams

Even if you have ample internal resources, you can still consider hiring augmented professionals for complex work projects that need specialized skills. Here, extending the internal teams by hiring full-time staff won’t be the right solution.

In such scenarios, the most efficient solution is staff augmentation. One of the major benefits of staff augmentation services is that they relieve the internal teams from added burdens. Besides, the augmented staff also help your business react to the evolving market landscape.

Therefore, we can say that IT staff augmentation opens new doors for businesses seeking expansion to meet the quickly changing market trends.

9. Fresh Outlook

Having a third-party perspective can be extremely helpful for businesses to get a fresh outlook, insight, and advice. An unbiased perspective of an ‘outsider’ can provide suggestions and ideas for enhancement in productivity in your workplace.

With their fresh perspective, the augmented staff can help you grab new opportunities to grow your business. Besides, they also encourage your in-house team to think outside the box and learn new things.

Also Read : How to Build Effective Remote Team?

10. Ensure Software Security

Software security might be the most significant threat businesses face today. The number of cyber-attacks continues to rise yearly, with the total damage by cybercrimes reaching $6Tn in 2022. Human error is a major cause of software vulnerability. That’s because developers, on average, make around 15-20 mistakes per 1000 lines of the final code.

Each coding mistake is a potential opportunity that cyber hackers look for to exploit each passing day. Hence, for this reason, businesses these days hire IT staff augmentation vendors to avail the most skilled security specialists.

The specialists will test the software for any vulnerabilities and assist the internal team in developing safe software using the most trusted security practices.

When Should You Consider Staff Augmentation for Your Business?

Now that you know the major benefits of staff augmentation, it’s time to determine when to consider team augmentation. Below are a few situations that suggest when you can opt for this model.

You have a team of IT engineers creating your product already. Still, you’re seeking an extended workforce with a varied skillset to create the backend or front-end of the project.

For instance, let’s consider you have two ongoing projects. You need one IT professional for one project, and for the other, you need a team of technical professionals. However, because of the high developer hiring costs, you’re helpless. In such a case, staff augmentation benefits your business and helps you grow without burning a hole in the pocket.

Also Read – Staff Augmentation Vs Outsourcing Which Is The Ideal Choice?

You’re creating a state-of-the-art product with top-notch developers and need to introduce new developers to the existing team. However, the particular skillset you’re seeking is hard to find in your location. That’s where staff augmentation benefits, as you can hire skilled professionals per your project needs without location being a barrier.

You have outsourced your software project to a company; however, the output and progress are not as expected. You wish to now have direct access to developers that can work per your vision, just like a full-time in-house employee. This is where the benefits of IT staff augmentation come to the rescue. Staff augmentation can help you hire talent who can deliver the results you need in a timely fashion.

Final Thoughts

As you might have understood by now, IT staff augmentation has much to offer an organization. The majority of companies worldwide are leveraging the benefits of staff augmentation and considering it a profitable solution. They are receiving better results through staff augmentation and getting a competitive benefit in the market.

If you want to explore the various benefits of IT staff augmentation for yourself, get in touch with eSparkBiz. Whether you want a team or a single developer, we offer a flexible IT staff augmentation service for enhancing your growth.

We’ve assisted several clients worldwide to fill the demand-supply vacuum by providing top-notch backend and front-end developers backed by client-focused service.

Leveraging the benefits of staff augmentation services through eSparkBiz will ensure a smooth integration of outsourced developers into your existing team. Contact us today for more details!

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Why should you opt for IT staff augmentation?

    Staff augmentation allows you to mainly outsource the workforce on a skillset requirement for a specific time. The IT staff augmentation model is not just the best but the most viable option for IT companies seeking additional talent to scale rapidly. The benefits of staff augmentation aid in fulfilling deadlines at cost-effective prices.

  2. What are the advantages of IT staff augmentation?

    Below are some of the major benefits of IT staff augmentation:

    1) When you leverage IT staff augmentation, you get all the IP rights.

    2) Staff augmentation makes it easy to scale the resources up or down and access a broader talent pool. That includes backend developers, front-end developers, UI/UX developers, and full-stack developers.

    3) You no longer have to stress over organizational and administrative expenses as outsourcing tasks with the augmented staff is cost-effective. This is among the most crucial benefits of staff augmentation services.

  3. When should you consider staff augmentation?

    1) Your project is delayed constantly because of the absence of skilled developers.
    2) You don't require a particular developer full-time.
    3) Your indispensable in-house employee is unavailable currently.
    4) You simply wish to implement the latest technology that your in-house team is not efficient in.