To ground a majestic digital footprint, employing a user-oriented web app is an indispensable necessity for delivering dynamic and cost-effective enterprise solutions. Today, we’re going to focus on Node JS for Enterprise Applications.

Such exceptional applications can be built, adopting an agile, versatile, and robust technology. The immensely popular JS runtime termed NodeJS has emerged as a promising technology for developing server-side web apps.

Node JS Framework For Enterprise

Node.js is a super-powerful, ultra-lean, lightweight JS based runtime application platform that performs JS code beyond the browser and serves JS everywhere.

This can also be stretched employing third-party modules to develop feature-rich web applications for enterprises because of the enormous aura manifested around it.

Node.js, with over a billion downloads every week, has become the top-most prominent open-source platform ever.

Node.js rose to fame as a first-class citizen of building real-time apps, microservices, and IoT’s for implementing push technology. Most enterprises favour NodeJS for mobile and web app development.

Advantage of Node.js

A rundown of Node.js advantages:

  • js provides a strikingly-responsive developing time for real-time apps.
  • Client-side and Server-side JS coding are easily achievable for any node js application development company
  • js bridges the rift amid the developers (frontend and the backend) indicating a heightened competence and boost in production during the development phase.
  • Raised productivity owing to significant tools and modules that Node Package Manager or the NPM provides to developers.
  • The most high-speed execution of code ever.
  • An ideal pick for microservices that are trending favourite resolutions amidst enterprise apps.

Features of Node.js

Features of Node.js

Let’s dive into some principal characteristics of the Node.js:

Speed: Node.js library’s code execution is extremely quick owing to its constitution on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine.

Asynchronous and Event-Driven: APIs of the Node.js library are asynchronous or non-blocking in nature which essentially symbolizes that Node. js-based server never anticipates return data from an API.

Scalable: Along with event looping, Node.js also uses a single-threaded model. The event supports the server in answering a non-blocking approach and makes a highly scalable server, unlike the conventional servers which normally produce restricted threads to manage requests.

No Buffering: Node.js applications have zero data buffering. They easily output the data in parts.

License: Node.js is MIT licensed, which grants loads of permission with only a few restrictions.

Due to these features, Node JS for Enterprise Applications is a dream combination.

Node.js Usage Statistics

  • As per the Node JS User Survey, around 43% of programmers employ Node.js to develop enterprise apps.
  • Close to 70% of companies worldwide believe that Node.js raises the developer’s productivity.
  • Over 58% of the entire development time globally is employed in Node.js.
  • Furthermore, 98% of the Fortune 500  listed companies use Node.js.

How Popular is Node.js?

As per the report of the Node.js Foundation , Node has become a first-class citizen and is now a part of the three-comma club, with over billion downloads.

The essence of Node.js is solely about building real-time applications. Moreover, it charts the index of 2024’s most-in-demand developer skills.

If the Battery Open-Source Software Index (BOSS Index) is to be believed, Node stands at 4th position in order of importance as an open-source project.

BOSS Index

With the abrupt surge in the number of businesses opting for Microservices and the Internet of Things, Node.js has definitely presented its competitors a run for their money.

Google trends report that Node is one of the hot favorites amongst the already popular development frameworks such as Ruby (language), Django, ASP.NET, or Ruby on Rails (Software).

Reasons To Choose Node.js For Enterprise Apps

The reason behind the massive popularity and global acceptance of Node.js is its striking hallmarks and significant advantages. Node JS for Enterprise Applications involves and demand bulk input-output services that query the database.

Any programming language will provide you with some of the reasons to pick Node.js over others. Node.js stands out in its efficiency to develop scalable applications effortlessly.

Improved tooling and its progressive-graph of producing complicated applications make Node.js to have an edge over programming technologies.

Let’s explore a few other reasons to choose Node.js-

Microservices-based Architecture

Microservices-based Architecture

This approach helps to build the application into small services collectively. Enterprise app ideally starts with MVP and develops applications employing a Microservice architecture to provide scalability by compiling small portions.

Single-function modules can be developed to operate independently with a neat-designed user-interface. This boosts the Agile intellect and DevOps within companies.

Many tech giants prefer to produce tiny units (microservices) that form together to develop a large application. Developers are given the freedom to write code in diverse languages and for different sections of the app at the same time from anywhere.

Node.js basically enables you to design highly scalable and reliable microservice-based web apps by breaking it down into smaller units.

Regular Maintenance and Updating of Codebase

There has been a distinct transformation in the way users use the web and enterprise applications. These dynamic demands push businesses to readjust to the changing demands.

UI/UX has emerged to form a vital component of an enterprise application. The method of data collection, presentation, and signify action elements on an app, has had a notable transformation.

We are in a ‘Less is more’ paradigm, without compromising on quality and functionality.

Increased Performance and Productivity

Owing to Node.js’s asynchronous nature, a large volume of requests can be managed concurrently with minimum resources at hand. This creates a significant influence on the response rate of web applications and saves the cost of investing in costly servers.

Node.js is founded on the JS model. This makes managing applications – both frontend and backend effortless. That’s why Node JS For Enterprise Applications works well.

All-in-one Package Manager for all Project Dependencies

Node Package Manager (npm) is the silver card for all Node.js developers. With the largest number of available modules, it has emerged as a chief determinant behind the achievement of Node.js.

Node.js has an extensive abundance of third-party modules and libraries which are accessible via npm. This subdues dependency and enhances the usability of the Node.

With npm, developers can use the already-accessible software modules and save you from the hassle of writing standard characteristics and functionalities from scratch. Because of being open-source, npm is under scrutiny for several security concerns.

However, to tackle this issue, npm also has an enterprise version that permits businesses to run the npm infrastructure behind their firewall. This helps businesses to gain authority over code and recognize possible intimidations.

No Learning Curve

Since Node.js is primarily based on JS, the learning curve becomes limited or close to zero. It has similar syntax and therefore apprehending becomes smooth.

It has a global acceptance by all the Java as well as .NET developers. Programmers can learn, create, refine, and deploy scalable apps adopting Node.js on Unix and Windows.

It also lets novice developers learn and execute Node.js for developing web apps swiftly.

Single-threaded, Event-driven, Asynchronous and Nonblocking I/O

Nonblocking I/O

Node.js is an event-driven model architecture, with a sequential code execution empowering a superior concurrent connection handling.

Node.js employs the event loop and callbacks allowing non-blocking I/O operation despite being single-threaded JS. This matters the most when you’re dealing with Node JS For Enterprise Applications.

When callbacks are in spot, the thread does not have the obligation to wait until the request is sub served. Whenever the data is available in the event loop, the thread simply processes and delivers it. And in this method, an application can concurrently manage bulk requests with ease.

LTS (Long Term Support)

With a rapid shift and transformation of everything, certain things demand to be constant. A decade-old Node.js gives long term assistance and offers security and reliability. This is essential if a complete business is based on a specific technology.

All the significant releases by Node.js will be sustained for 18 months (as guaranteed by Node.js) from the time it is presented as an LTS version.



Post this period, a 12-month extended maintenance period starts. During this time, any fresh additions are not presented to its modules (features), and the already present bugs and protection concerns will be recognized and mended.

JSON formats

Node.js principally partners with JSON format which is popular and widely accepted as a substitute to Java objects. So, Node JS For Enterprise is a great choice.

Node.js returns the data in JSON, which constitutes the crux of JS. Therefore, no further parser is required. With zero latency, Node.js masters data processing instantly and effortlessly.

Active Community

Node.js hosts a huge community of active developers and programmers who strive to add value to the existing resources.

The Node.js Foundation is a great mark in the accurate direction. Established in 2015, the foundation was supported by the Linux Foundation and other big tech houses like Microsoft, PayPal, Fidelity, and much more.

The foundation promotes programmers to showcase spectacular skills and work. That’s why experts talk highly about Node JS For Enterprise apps.

Cross-functional development teams

As Node.js is based on JS, there is absolutely no need to employ backend and frontend developers. Quality developers who are operating on Node, can also work on Angular and React.

Node.js makes developers efficient in both slants of development, enabling enterprises to develop a team that is more competent and skilled to tackle challenges. Full-stack developers are the new tomorrow!

As crossed to a skill-driven crew of coders, testers, DevOps, and much more, Node.js boosts developers to work in harmony. This decreases dependency and enhances the productivity within the organization.


Your application can now scale in all dimensions, vertically as well as horizontally and limitlessly. This implies that you can also add extra nodes to the existing system.

Also, you can add additional resources to your existing single nodes for the upward uplifting of the app. Node JS For Enterprise is a great option as scalability is not an issue at all.

Cross-Platform Development

You can develop cross-platform desktop apps using Node.js with the help of platforms like Electron or NW.js. Thus, Node JS For Enterprise works very well.

This signifies that you can practice some of the Web app codes in the desktop versions. And henceforth, the team that works on Web apps can also deliver a desktop app effortlessly.

Furthermore, the Node developers have equal admittance to some exceptional tooling that a front-end developer has.

For instance, the Google Chrome Developer Tools that enables them to debug and profile the desktop and backend apps efficiently as they do with the client-side apps. The majority of Node developer tools available are cross-platform.

Innovative-driven enterprises know the importance of Node.js to enhance performance, coding ability, and overall work. Ruby on Rails may be the Lingua Franca, but a greater part of Web development orbits around JS frameworks.

Reusable RESTful API’s


Node.js concentrates on the reusable RESTful APIs and this feature makes it one of the best platforms for the development of enterprise apps. The focus on RESTful APIs is the most flexible way of building large scale software systems.

This task is performed with the aid of APIs that combine to the backend and keep everything as efficient and as light as possible to manage high volumes of data.

Accessibility and Performance

Node.js is event-driven with a server-side environment that is founded on a Chrome V8 engine which assists in creating agile and secure backend applications. That’s why Node JS Framework for Enterprise is a great combo.

It is single-threaded and metachronous in its structure that improves the approachability and performance of the application. It operates in this manner:

All the operations (or callbacks) are performed asynchronously by multiple threads operating in the backdrop. And Node.js runtime works behind the scenes to manage this.

Hence, the non-blocking environment of Node.js raises the performance of the web-app, termed as Node.js’ ‘Single-Threaded Event Loop’ architecture.

This mechanism backs Node.js to efficiently handle diverse parallel client requests without the need to create multiple threads. And therefore, employing minimum resources and memory increases the app’s overall performance.

Build Real-time Applications

For the development of real-time data-intensive apps, the usage of Node.js is extensive as the apps operate across shared devices. Thus, Node JS Framework for Enterprise is awesome.

Node.js best befits for developing client-side real-time apps to interact and share knowledge unobstructedly and manage far-reaching real-time users as well.

Node.js provides some striking and notable features for developing real-time applications. Primarily, this is because of the single-threaded event loop, the JS performance happens quickly, and the I/O driven tasks are handled expertly by Node.js.

Node.js is also an event-based server that prohibits blocking and can serve a large whole of real-time users.

Handling Data Streams

Data Streams

Streams, just like the strings and arrays, are a compilation of the essential concepts of Node.js and data to handle the accessible information.

The major advantage offered is less time consumption contrasted over other methods to process data. Node.js developers can even modify the stream of transported data even before it touches the destination.

The I/O tasks are exceptionally simplified by the Node.js streams. Node.js primarily uses four kinds of streams. These are Writable, Readable, Duplex, and Transform, with the additional Pipe method to manage the data.

The most notable benefit of the streams used by node js is the drastic reduction in memory consumption. It facilitates apps to function the bulky volume of data faster with the minimum usage of memory.

Data Buffering

Node.js employs the Transfer Control Protocol streams because of which the developers work with binary data. And to handle the long streams of the binary data, Node.js uses the Buffer class.

When the incoming data is higher than the outgoing, the language in such cases applies Buffers as the stream processors are unable to absorb huge data.

Event-driven modules and asynchronous request handling that are based on Node.js, seldom buffers data. It only delivers output in chunks.

For enterprise app developers, this grounds to be a vital feature of Node JS Framework for Enterprise which is needed for finishing a sleek functioning app.

Availability of various modules

As all the JavaScript files can perform the conventional modules, they are, therefore, reusable by the application of node.js.

Installing Node.js automatically places the NPM programs (Node JavaScript Programs) that further places all available modules before encountering any severe issues.

These NPM packages are installed by default to C:Users [Username]AppDataRoamingnpm.

On this open-source platform, you can discover a shared repository of dynamic tools and over 60000 modules that are adding constantly. This gives you reliability and easy access to an active community.

Works out Database Concerns

Modifying the syntax is no longer a worry when you are using Node.js along with the databases such as Mongo and Couch to harmonize with your web development.

The JS framework is employed by NoSQL databases for querying and flawless execution of the Node.js.

The Node.js-built real-time apps perform the database queries pretty efficiently because of the easily convertible saved data in JSON format.

Code translation is no longer a hassle as the data streams do not necessitate having a vast knowledge.


Node.js provides you a reliable, scalable, and well-supported development framework and runtime environment to develop enterprise platforms. Developers pick Node.JS for the liberty offered to write applications on both the browser-side and the server-side.

It becomes simpler to keep on with JavaScript for both client and server-side than to first write in Java and then switch to JS, which is a widely adopted practice in JS applications.

Simplifies the build process

Node.JS may not be the solution to every query but it pairs with the prevailing demands of enterprises and developers. A decade ago, the game was orbiting around performance and stability, however, it is now that enterprises have realized the significance of utility.

Node.js meets the demand for a performant, lightweight framework that is customized to the most comprehensive tech stack.

Working in Java demands to have the specifications drafted in XML data format that underpins programming logic. It’s hard to constantly shift from Java to XML to build anything.

Node.js beautifully comes to the rescue to end this issue as now the creation of build is done using the same language. Thus, Node JS Framework for Enterprise can be pretty cool.

However, the nested tags in XML represent spontaneous branching.

Rapid Innovation and Delivery

Innovation and rapid delivery are the two important traits that drive growth in any organization. Such circumstances require an immediate response to end-user demands, Node.js enables you to effortlessly fuse end-user feedback to your web application and update the required changes.

Full Stack JS

Node.js is a full-stack JavaScript that aids to serve the server as well as the client-side applications respectively.

This conserves your time and money, and saves enterprises from the hassle of hiring and forming a developing team individually for frontend and backend.

Benefits of Caching

The developers enjoy the benefits of caching a single module with the help of the Node’s open-source nature. Whenever anyone requests the first module, automatic caching takes place the memory of the application.

This facilitates the developers for a faster load-time of web pages as they need to re-execute codes is null. Users can swiftly and effortlessly cruise through these apps on account of their great responding rate.

Major Enterprises Built on Node.js

Here is a quick list of some major giants that are heavily dependent on Node.js and pick it as their chief technology to develop their apps and services.

The list of the tech powerhouses include:

  • LinkedIn
  • Amazon
  • PayPal
  • Medium
  • eBay
  • NASA
  • Groupon
  • Walmart
  • Netflix
  • Trello
  • Uber

Read also: Exploring The Best Node.js Application Examples For Big Enterprise

Node.js Success Stories


PayPal analyzed its existing application built on Java and Spring-based with its recently improved Node App. It recorded that the time consumed and the people involved in building the Node App was half the time than building the original app in the development lifecycle.

Moreover, the lines of code are less by 33% and file size by 40%. It has even multiplied (2x) the number of requests subserved per second, reducing the response rate by 35%

Dow Jones

Dow Jones utilized JS in 2010, and in 2011, they tested with Node.js for developing a FB-like application, titled “Wall Street Journal Social”. And this stood out to be triumphantly successful. The Performance was extraordinary in the few weeks of the development period.

And post that, the CTO of Dow Jones declared Node.js as their principal technology.


NASA also joins the list that employs Node.js. They use it for a crucial purpose, i.e. – protecting the lives of NASA astronauts in space!

During a space expedition, NASA was very nearly close to losing one of their astronauts. The reason behind that was the deceptive data.

However, now NASA has moved all the data (for EVA Spacesuits) to a single cloud, decreasing the access time.


Uber – the undisputed king of all ride-sharing platforms, uses Node.JS and the result of its success is not a secret.

Node.JS, with its distributed systems, offered increased network requests to process a more extensive amount of data at a rapid pace. This helps developers to detect errors efficiently and swiftly.

Uber developers with the help of open-source software modules of Node.js found it easy to add more elaborate functionalities without the need to write code from scratch.

Furthermore, Node.js has helped Uber to eliminate the necessity of rebooting the app to make any edits, or create, and deploy the codes.


Netflix – the universal favourite and the biggest online streaming app advanced to Node.JS considering its strikingly extraordinary features.

Node.JS benefited the developers and saved them from the hassle of writing the code twice. Even Netflix experienced a boost in the overall performance of the app.

A 40-minute+ startup time dropped to an unbelievable yet true, one minute. Node.JS also made Netflix a single-page application and because of Node’s open-source software modules, Netflix enhanced it to a feature-rich quality app.


Trello is a project management tool that needed a framework to aid them with the instant update of the new works and needed an app to sustain new connections.

Node.js framework arises with an exceptional prototyping tool accompanying the event-driven non-blocking server resolution. This helps in real-time updates and enhances the agility of devising prototypes.


LinkedIn- The start-up time encountered a challenge in the application, which forced them to network with some of the prominent companies.

By embracing Node.js at an early stage, they not only overcame the high startup time but also engineered to expedite the development pace.


Node.js is an emerging technology and is the ideal platform for enterprise app development with its vital offerings of the immense benefits.

It has evolved as the most leading enterprise-ready technology for building sophisticated applications.

The rise of NodeJS acclaim corresponds with the globally growing demand for powerful-performance enterprise apps.

So, if you are looking to develop enterprise-level web applications with agility and enhanced accessibility, connect with any Node.js Web Development Company.

This article has provided some substantial reasons to use Node.JS for Enterprise applications. You can Connect Now.

Chintan Gor

CTO, eSparkBiz

Enthusiastic for web app development, Chintan Gor has zeal in experimenting with his knowledge of Node, Angular & React in various aspects of development. He keeps on updating his technical know-how thus pinning his name among the topmost CTO's in India. His contribution is penned down by him through various technical blogs on trending tech. He is associated with eSparkBiz from the past 14+ years where one can get premium services.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What Is The Future Of Node.js?

    According to the experts, Node.js has a very bright future. Nowadays when modernized apps are built on a great front-end. That’s where Node.js will be playing a crucial role as Node.js is best in the business for front-end.

  2. Is Node.js Fast?

    The simple answer to this question would be YES. Node.js is fast and efficient. The main reason for that is the non-blocking I/O model.

  3. Which Enterprises Have Enjoyed The Benefits Of Node.js?

    There are many enterprise-level websites as well as mobile apps that have enjoyed the benefits of the Node.js framework. They are as follows:


  4. What Is The Main Reason Behind Popularity Of Node.js?

    The major reason for the popularity of Node.js is that it is based on JavaScript. JavaScript is the language of a modernized browser and Node.js utilizes it. That’s why it turns out to be a perfect blend.