About The Project

Project Overview

It's a subscription based web application of the education domain, which provides different types of courses and events to improve personality of users, also it has legacy plan courses to add values in user's life and it helps to find goals and purposes in one's life. 

Courses The platform provides different types of courses such as, legacy plan, you have got the power, personal development, STEAM education, philosophy, Life coaching, Financial literacy and many more. It also includes parent programs for the betterment of Ethos parents.

Events Admin can create multiple events such as, Academic events, Learning events, Training events for their users by inviting them into the event. Events can be online or offline, admin can set location for offline events.

Articles Mentors and coaches can use this web app solution to help students achieve their life goals. They can see the progress of students through notes and articles created by the students.

Communication Users can also communicate with each other by chatting. Users can explore the other users in the village section by searching for them, can send follow requests and also can chat with them. Mentors and teachers can create different events for their students within the web app. Parents can also use the web app to measure the growth of their child, so it is a single web app, which connects mentors, teachers, coaches, students, and parents to one platform.

Other features In addition to that, there are other functionalities, such as NEWS, FAQs, etc. Users can get daily updates via NEWS. They can visit the FAQs while facing any difficulties in exploring the platform.

Key Phases

Breaking down the project on these 3 main key phases & further in weekly modules to get the project on track and accountable.

Planning and Analysis
  • Requirement Gathering
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Technology Stack Selection
Design and Development
Deployment and Maintenance
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring and Security
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Maintenance and Support
Challenges we had

The Problem

Creating an educational platform can be difficult as there are many aspects we need to cover in terms of technology, scalability, security concerns, etc. Some common development challenges that we have faced at the time of development :

Technical difficultiesCreating an educational platform necessitates a thorough understanding of technical issues such as coding, software development, and user interface design. System crashes, bugs, and compatibility issues can all occur, making it difficult to provide a consistent user experience.

User engagementIt can be difficult to keep users engaged and motivated to continue learning. The platform's design must encourage users to keep using it, and the content must be engaging and relevant to their needs.

ScalabilityThe platform must be able to handle increased traffic and demand as the user base grows. This necessitates a scalable architecture capable of handling large amounts of data and users.

Concerns about securityEducational platforms frequently handle sensitive information such as personal information and payment information. It is critical to ensure the security of this information, and the platform must be built with security measures in place to prevent data breaches and cyber attacks.

See what we solved

The Solution

To give a better user experience, the UI/UX designers made the platform design simple and easy to understand. We have made the designs easy to navigate so users can easily use and find the things for what they are looking for.

We have also used the color combinations and design elements in such a way that each user group starting from students to parents, teachers and other user categories can have a better user experience.

Here are some more technical solutions that can assist in overcoming these obstacles. 

ScalabilityDeveloping an educational platform that can handle a large number of users without crashing is one of the most difficult challenges. The use of cloud-based hosting platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud, which can provide robust and scalable infrastructure to handle user traffic, is one solution.

SecurityBecause educational platforms frequently contain sensitive information such as personal data and student records, security is a top priority. Some technical solutions that can help ensure data security include encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits.

CompatibilityWith so many different devices and operating systems in use, compatibility can be difficult. Responsive design and cross-browser compatibility testing can assist in ensuring that the platform works seamlessly across multiple devices and browsers.

InteractivityTo keep students interested, educational platforms must be interactive and engaging. Gamification, video conferencing, and interactive quizzes can all help to create an immersive learning experience.

AnalyticsTracking student progress and engagement is critical for optimising learning outcomes and improving the platform. Insights into user behaviour and engagement can be gained by integrating analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Mixpanel.

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Final Milestone

The Result

As a result, The website Ethos Village aspires to provide a sustainable living neighborhoods that supports green living principles and wellness.

The Ethos Village project is built on the principle of fostering a sense of community and collaboration. In this section, we highlight the active engagement and participation of community members in various initiatives. It showcase community events, workshops, and educational programs that have empowered residents to embrace sustainable practices, enhance their well-being, and strengthen social connections. By sharing stories and testimonials, we demonstrate the positive impact our community has had on individuals' lives.

The Results of the Ethos Village website showcases the tangible achievements and positive impact of our sustainable living community. By presenting measurable outcomes in environmental sustainability, community engagement, sustainable infrastructure, economic benefits, and collaborative partnerships, we aim to inspire others and create a ripple effect towards a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life.

Technology Stack

To build an educational platform like Ethos Village, we have used frontend technologies such as React.Js, Next.Js, Tailwind CSS and HTML. For the backend, we have used Node.Js and we have used MySQL for the database. At the stage of deployment, we used AWS using GitHub as the version control system.

Ethos Village – Online Educational platform Students’ route to success
Ethos Village – Online Educational platform Students’ route to success
Ethos Village – Online Educational platform Students’ route to success
Ethos Village – Online Educational platform Students’ route to success
Ethos Village – Online Educational platform Students’ route to success
Ethos Village – Online Educational platform Students’ route to success
Tailwind CSS

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