About The Project

Project Overview

A complete web and mobile platform called Focused Care was created to meet the requirements of hospital administration systems. The platform is being developed with the intention of streamlining hospital management, strengthening stakeholder communication and collaboration, and boosting overall productivity.

The super admin, hospital admin, and staff are the three key stakeholders on the platform. The super admin gets access to all the features and functionalities of the platform and holds the position of maximum authority on it. They are in charge of administering hospital admin accounts and supervising the platform's overall functionality. The hospital administrator is in charge of overseeing the daily operations of the hospital, including hiring and firing hospital employees, making timetables, and delegating work.

The platform's end users are the employees, who can access their calendars, chat with coworkers and managers, and get notifications and updates about their jobs. One of the primary components of Focused Care is the interactive planning platform. It enables a two-way communication system where employees may examine their schedules, request time off, exchange shifts, and speak with their coworkers and supervisors in real-time. This feature enables hospital admins and super admins to establish timetables for the staff.

Focused Care is a web and mobile app for hospital use easily accessible to all stakeholders. The platform is the perfect choice for hospital management systems aiming to improve efficiency and streamline operations because of its user-friendly design, cutting-edge features, and real-time communication capabilities.

The procedure of switching shifts is easy and hassle-free with Focused Care. Through the portal, employees can request to switch shifts with another employee. The supervisor will then receive the request and will be able to promptly approve or deny it depending on the availability of other employees.

If the request is granted, the manager can quickly make changes to the schedule to make sure the hospital is always adequately staffed. This helps avoid the expensive procedure of hiring temporary workers or paying overtime to overcome schedule gaps while also ensuring that patient care is not jeopardized.

Key Phases

Breaking down the project on these 3 main key phases & further in weekly modules to get the project on track and accountable.

Planning and Analysis
  • Requirement Gathering
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Technology Stack Selection
Design and Development
Deployment and Maintenance
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring and Security
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Maintenance and Support
Challenges we had

The Problem

Prior to the creation of Focused Care, users of hospital management systems frequently experienced a variety of difficulties.

Manual Scheduling Most of the scheduling was done manually, which resulted in mistakes, conflicts, and inefficiencies. It took a lot of time and effort to arrange shifts and make sure there was adequate coverage.

Lack of Communication Traditionally used channels like phone calls, emails, and physical notice boards were frequently used to fragment communication between employees and managers. Delays, misunderstandings, and trouble with shift changes or upgrades were the results of this.

Limited Accessibility Without a dedicated site, it was difficult to view timetables, request time off, or swap shifts. Changes had to be approved by supervisors or HR staff, which resulted in delays and reduced flexibility.

Ineffective shift management The absence of a streamlined procedure made it difficult to handle shift swaps or accommodate time-off requests. Staffing shortages, an increase in supervisors' workload, and a decline in employee satisfaction were the results.

Lack of Real-time Updates In the absence of a centralized platform, employees have no access to real-time updates on schedule modifications, shift availability, or emergency alerts. Effective cooperation and communication were hampered as a result.

Focused Care (2)
See what we solved

The Solution

Following the implementation of the user interface, the following are the advantages and benefits of employing Focused Care:

Streamlined Scheduling Focused Care streamlines scheduling by offering an intuitive user interface that makes it simple for administrators to make, manage, and change schedules. As a result, scheduling becomes more precise and effective, resulting in fewer conflicts and optimal personnel coverage.

Real-time Communication Focused Care enables real-time communication between staff members and managers. This reduces the need for several communication channels and improves teamwork, ensuring that everyone is kept in the loop and connected.

Flexibility in Shift Swaps Focused Care provides a tool called shift swaps that enables staff members to request and manage shift changes straight from the platform. This improves flexibility and equips workers to manage unforeseen circumstances or personal commitments, which leads to an increase in employee satisfaction and a better work-life balance.

Increased Accessibility Focused Care is accessible to staff members and administrators whenever and wherever they need it thanks to its availability on online and mobile platforms. This guarantees that important data, including schedules, notifications, and changes, can be easily accessed, enhancing efficiency and responsiveness.

Effective Timekeeping and Reporting Focused Care's timekeeping tool precisely records staff hours, streamlining payroll processes. The programmed also creates thorough data on other elements of hospital management, such as staffing metrics, attendance, and productivity. Administrators are given the tools they need to make data-driven choices and efficiently optimize operations.

Final Milestone

The Result

The comprehensive Focused Care web and mobile platform was created to meet the requirements of hospital administration systems. The platform's design aims to improve stakeholder communication and collaboration, streamline hospital management, and boost overall efficiency.

A practical, engaging, and highly effective platform created by Medical Project has completely changed how people access and interact with online healthcare services. The way consumers interact with medical information and services has been revolutionized by the updated user interface, which has been combined with efficient communication tools, personalized components, and data integration to improve healthcare accessibility, engagement, and achieve HIPAA Compliant solution.

Technology Stack

The combination of Node.js, React, MySQL, Tailwind CSS, HTML, and AWS forms a powerful tech stack that enables the development of a robust, scalable, and user-friendly BOU platform.

Focused Care – The Ultimate Hospital Management System
Focused Care – The Ultimate Hospital Management System
Focused Care – The Ultimate Hospital Management System
Focused Care – The Ultimate Hospital Management System
Focused Care – The Ultimate Hospital Management System
Focused Care – The Ultimate Hospital Management System

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