About The Project

Project Overview

O2postive platform is free for users to register or look through as guest user. The platform has two main stakeholders, users, and administrators. Video, Photos, and links can be published by the user and viewed by other users on the platform.

The admin has the authority to manage users and keep track of all the content that has been published. The admin panel has ‘banned user’, ‘token management’,’ theme management’ etc. The admin has the authority to manage the users and content, including adding categories for the Pressure pit, so content could be sorted by the users according to the category.

Key features include:

Leaderboard Here You can see the top 10 posts across the platform

From Zero to Hero This column is a quick peek at the current week's leaderboard.

7-day competition O2 Competitions start & end every 7 days. As one competition ends the next one begins. There's a 7-day countdown in your 'My Ozone' panel to remind you.

Winners The Top 10 Posts on the leaderboard when each competition ends (Sunday) are the winners and permanently display on the winner’s page. (Plus you win rewards & trophies ...and probably global fame, too!)

Key Phases

Breaking down the project on these 3 main key phases & further in weekly modules to get the project on track and accountable.

Planning and Analysis
  • Requirement Gathering
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Technology Stack Selection
Design and Development
Deployment and Maintenance
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring and Security
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Maintenance and Support
Challenges we had

The Problem

When developing o2Positive, Our development team encountered several challenges. Some common challenges include:

Distinguishing from existing platformsO2positive faces the challenge of differentiating itself from other social media platforms that already provide a wide range of features. To attract users, it needs to offer something unique and compelling.

Competition with established platformsThe presence of major social media platforms makes it challenging for O2positive to compete and gain traction among users. These established platforms already have a strong user base and familiarity.

User acquisition hurdlesConvincing users to switch to a new social media platform poses a challenge. Many individuals are reluctant to leave their current platforms as they are already comfortable and familiar with them.

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See what we solved

The Solution

These solutions helped the development team to address the challenges and ensure the smooth web app development, maintenance, and improvement of o2Positive.


Tournament Setting FeatureThe introduction of a tournament setting feature on the platform has significantly transformed the user experience. By adding a competitive element, users are now more motivated and engaged, actively participating to showcase their talents and ideas. This competitive environment fosters a sense of excitement, as users strive to gain recognition and rewards, leading to an overall vibrant and dynamic community. Additionally, the tournament setting not only attracts new users but also ensures that existing ones remain actively involved, contributing to user retention and sustained platform growth.

Weekly engagement prompts To keep the user base consistently engaged, the platform has implemented a brilliant strategy of weekly engagement prompts. These prompts encourage users to interact with the platform regularly, such as posting content, interacting with others' posts, or taking part in specific challenges. By providing diverse and interesting activities, users develop a habit of frequent participation, leading to a thriving community with fresh content and ongoing interactions.

Global content reception The platform's emphasis on global content reception has opened up exciting opportunities for users. Now, users can showcase their content to a worldwide audience, receiving valuable feedback on its reception and impact. This feature not only exposes users to diverse perspectives but also allows them to gauge the popularity and reach of their content on a global scale. As users gain insights into their content's performance worldwide, they are motivated to refine their work and engage with an international community.

Competitive environment The competitive environment within the platform has revolutionized how users approach their contributions. With a focus on recognition and rewards, users are driven to improve the quality of their content and increase engagement levels. This natural sense of competition encourages users to constantly push their boundaries, leading to a continuous enhancement of the platform's overall content and user experience.

User retention focus The tournament setting not only aims to attract new users but also places a strong focus on retaining existing ones. The platform achieves this through ongoing incentives, recognition, and opportunities for users to showcase their talents or ideas. By fostering an environment where users feel valued and appreciated, the platform encourages them to remain active, engaged, and loyal. This dedication to user retention contributes to a thriving and supportive community that remains invested in the platform in the long term.

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Final Milestone

The Result

By effectively addressing the challenges of user acquisition and establishing its uniqueness, O2positive has achieved significant results. The introduction of the tournament setting feature has successfully incentivized users to engage more with the platform and explore its unique offerings. This has led to a steady increase in user adoption and content creation on o2positive. The UI design, along with the tournament structure, has set o2positive apart from other social media platforms, attracting users who seek a fresh and engaging online experience.

Moreover, the platform's versatility has allowed it to expand beyond a traditional social platform, offering opportunities for various purposes through the integration of the tournament feature. As a result, O2positive has not only carved its own niche but also fostered an active and enthusiastic user base that appreciates the platform's distinctiveness and multifaceted nature. Users value the platform's ability to provide a unique and competitive environment, coupled with the chance to showcase their content globally. The combination of these factors has contributed to the overall success of o2positive, establishing it as a thriving and captivating social media platform.

Technology Stack

The chosen tech stack includes Python, Vue.js, Postgres Database, and AWS was selected for its combination of efficient development, interactive front-end capabilities, secure data management, and scalable cloud infrastructure.

O2Positive – Connecting People, Fostering Positivity, and Inspiring Change
O2Positive – Connecting People, Fostering Positivity, and Inspiring Change
O2Positive – Connecting People, Fostering Positivity, and Inspiring Change
O2Positive – Connecting People, Fostering Positivity, and Inspiring Change
Tailwind CSS
O2Positive – Connecting People, Fostering Positivity, and Inspiring Change
O2Positive – Connecting People, Fostering Positivity, and Inspiring Change

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