Python is an interpreted high-level language. Python is rapidly gaining a lot of popularity among developers for applications such as big data, content management, and web applications. Today, we will talk about Python For CMS creation.

Since Python is a dynamically typed language, it is very simple to write. You feel as if you are writing English when coding in python. 

Various open-source libraries can be easily integrated with Python. You can use Numpy, Scipy for Developing machine learning applications. One can use Python For Data Science as well.

Django and Wagtail can be used for building CMS-based applications; Flask can be used for building Web-based applications. 

What is a CMS?

CMS stands for Content Management System. It is a unified platform on which you can save all your digital content. 

You will be able to create your content on the CMS platform as well as publish this content into various social media platforms. 

You will also be able to add Search Engine Optimization (SEO) features. The platform will be able to manage versions among the content. 

As well as, you can get the right access control capabilities to control which all users can change all content.

CMS platform will provide a simple UI that can be used by an admin who is not a very technical person. It also aligns with the marketing strategy that would be used by your company.

Today, we will talk about why Python For CMS is a right choice.

Factors to Keep in Mind While Choosing A CMS

Core Functionality

When choosing a CMS, it is very important to determine if the CMS can provide you with all the basic functionalities you need. 

You should consider how complex it is to add new content, publish that content, and manage the content. 

You should consider if the UI provided by CMS is user friendly. It is very important to choose a platform that can manage your web content including text, video, and images. 

Communicating with Customers

Typically, most of the time, the content is added and managed by persons with less technical expertise. 

You need to choose a platform whose UI is intuitive. It should be able to guide the users on how to add content and change its presentation. 

Also, it should be able to automate various steps involved in publishing. It should be able to add a presentation based on the device on which the user has opened the content. 

Search Engine Optimization

Search engines like Google perform search engine optimization by scrapping your data on the website and saving tags. 

You should choose a CMS which allows you to add tags like Title Description, Metadata description, and Meta keywords. 

For good SEO capabilities, you should also check if the CMS supports site search, duplicate content control, and page load speed. 

You should also prefer a CMS which can optimize the code so that the page loads much faster.

Integration with Other Systems

Earlier, having multiple collaborations with different systems was considered a plus, but now it has become a must for all organizations to integrate their content management system with other platforms. 

You should choose a CMS in which you can easily integrate other platforms. 

By integrating multiple solutions together, you would end up having a unified place where the user logs in and gets all the details. 

They can manage content, create pages, and share those contents by using the wiki, blogs, or message boards. 

Choose a Popular CMS Platform

Not all website requirements are the same, and not all of them can be fulfilled by a single CMS platform. Most of the time you need to integrate plugins to satisfy custom requirements. 

So, it becomes important to choose a popular CMS platform since they have a huge customer base and they keep adding new plugins. 

Also, since these platforms are popular, they have good community support. This helps you a lot when you are stuck, as you can easily get support. 

You can see a lot of questions and help with content posted on stack overflow. 

Use Language Supported by a CMS

It is important to choose a Content Management System in a way that the team is comfortable using it. 

Also, you should choose a content management system such that it is easy to code, and the team can write in the language supported by a CMS. 

Another factor that needs to be considered is how we are going to hire developers in future. Most developers are good with one or two CMS platforms. 

Examine Performance

Not only would you want your website to have all the content, but you would also need that your pages should load faster. The CMS platform should be able to handle the load and serve all the requests. 

You should also consider the scalability factor. Tomorrow, if your website grows, the CMS should be able to maintain a huge amount of data and at the same time be able to serve all the requests without failure.

Save Data on Cloud Storage

Most of the organizations save their data on the public cloud. You would want to choose a CMS which can help you store the data on the cloud. 

Since we can set up replication on the cloud, your data will always be safe on the CMS located in the cloud. 

Also, since the data can be distributed across cloud data centers in different parts of the world, you can serve your website to users irrespective of their geographic locations. You can easily set up a CDN network in the cloud.

Choose CMS with Good Security

Hackers love content management systems. Ecommerce websites, investor relation pages, and HR portals which are hosted on CMS are regular targets of the hackers. And compromising these websites can be of great harm to your organization and its reputation. 

So, it is important to choose a CMS which provides you with good security features. It should store the data in an encrypted format so that it does not leak the data. 

Also, its endpoints should always be secured by using an authentication mechanism.

Few Amazing Facts about Python

Python is one of the most used programming languages to build CMS based platforms.  It is used by a lot of major organizations like Google, Facebook, Intuit, and Cisco. 

It is a high-level language and can be learned easily. Also, a lot of developers are now present in the market who can code well in Python For CMS creation. 

Python can also be said to be a layman language as the syntax of Python language is extremely simple. A lot of packages are available to developers which they can use directly in python.

Why Choose Python for Creating a CMS?

Maturity Level of CMS Platforms

Two of the most used Python-based CMS platforms are Django CMS and Wagtail. Both of the CMS platforms have matured over time. 

They have a very active community that keeps adding features to it. You can also get answers to your query on those community dashboards. 

Since they are in the market for a long time, you can easily hire experts for managing content and generating it. 

They have understood a lot of customer problems and designed their user interface according to them. That’s why Python For CMS building is the right choice. A lot of businesses are now opting to hire python programmer for building CMS platforms on it.

Ease of Use and Speed

One of the most interesting aspects of python is its packages. Developers keep adding new packages daily which provide you with basic functionality. 

The same is the case with Python For CMS also. Most of the CMS platforms provide you with basic functionality which can help you quickly onboard the project and start working on it. 

Apart from this, there are many readily available packages built specifically for Python-based CMS. 

You can integrate these packages to get basic functionality like contact forms, What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor, and other interesting features. It also provides multiple free themes for your website. 

Prebuilt Admin Dashboard

The most important aspect of CMS is the admin dashboard and both Django CMS and Wagtail come along with a prebuilt dashboard. 

These pre- built dashboards provide you with all the basic functionality required to create, publish, and manage content. 

These dashboards provide you functionality such as Multi-site capability, approval workflow, and integrated statistics. So, the Python Content Management System is awesome. 

These dashboards also provide analytical information regarding how the user is browsing through the content.  

Advanced & Ready-to-Use Features

The biggest advantage of Python-based frameworks is the features they provide you with. Not only these features are powerful, but also user friendly. 

You can simply add features by downloading corresponding packages and then hooking them on your platform. 

It provides you important features such as tagging, related content, Tag Cloud, and Bulletin board. All these features are just one click away. 

These CMS platforms also can be directly integrated with cloud-based platforms such as AWS, GCP, or Heroku.  

Easy to Understand for Developers

Python Content Management System is a powerful and versatile language but at the same time, it is very easy to learn. It is a high-level language and syntax is very similar to writing the English language. 

It is also easy to read the code written in Python. This helps analysts to read and understand the code easily. 

Even developers who have no coding experience can easily learn python. There are no prerequisites to learn python. 

For instance, if you want to add a string variable you can just say x= ‘data’ and if you want to add an integer variable, you can write as x=3. 

So as compared to other programming languages where you have to specify the type of variable, Python is smart enough to determine on its own. 

Utilized by World Leaders

Python has gained a lot of popularity recently and it is used by a lot of major companies such as Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Spotify, and Intuit. It provides amazing packages for data science, gaming, and graphics. 

Because of these packages, it is even used by the scientific community and organizations such as NASA, Electronic Arts, and Disney.  

These institutions also contribute to open-source packages that you can integrate into your CMS packages. 

A Rising Star with Bright Future

Python has gained a lot of popularity recently and now companies are hiring Python developers more than Java developers. The majority of projects are now built using Python as it is easy to code and can be extended easily.

With the rise of platforms such as data science and content management systems, Python has placed itself very well. It has the right packages available for both data analysis as well as maintains your content. 

Available at Free of Cost

You can use python in your project without any cost. Even the packages which are available with Python can be used for free. There are various versions of Python Content Management System you can use such as Jython, PyPy. 

Even the IDE which is typically used with python is free to use. IDEs such as PTVS, Pydev, and Eclipse are free, and you can use them to debug your code and run your application.

Presence of Third-Party Modules

Python uses py-pi as the package manager. It is a one-stop solution to find all the right packages. You can integrate various packages such as Django registration into your Django CMS platform.

You can also manage versioning on these packages using py-pi. You can also set up your CI/CD pipeline using various third-party modules available in python.

High Productivity

Since python is easy to learn, most of the developers can easily onboard the project and start contributing quickly. A lot of boilerplate code is also available which can be used directly in your code. 

The code written in Python for Building a CMS is object-oriented. This allows code reusability across modules. This also makes sure your code is modular. 

Python has its own unit testing framework using which you can write your unit tests. Before releasing your code, you can just run these tests once and avoid regression. 

Therefore Prominent Python Development Agency high prefer Python technology as it offer great ease in the development process and help them to achieve promising development solutions which ultimately helps them to boost their productivity.

Why opt for Python from Business Perspective?

It is also important to consider business side goals while choosing the Python Content Management System platform. 

Below points should be taken care of while choosing a platform:

  • It is a good idea to choose a mature framework as it is supported by multiple organizations. They keep adding new features to it. Since it is used by multiple organizations, the code quality is also good, and bugs are very less. 
  • One more important factor is team capability. You should see if the team is comfortable working on the platform which you are choosing.
  • Another point to consider is future hiring. You should not choose a framework that is not well known and over some time, it becomes difficult to find developers. 
  • It is wise to choose a feature-rich framework, and you can extend all of these features as per your need. This saves a lot of time in building your platform.
  • You should always consider future goals while choosing the framework. It is important to make sure the platform can support complex needs as you grow.

It is very important to choose the right framework from the beginning of the project. Sometimes even CMS becomes a bottleneck and it would be difficult at that point of time to migrate all your projects to solve the bottleneck. 

In the future, you should not be restricted by the features that are provided by the platform.  

Read also: R vs Python: Choosing the Best Option for Machine Learning and Data Science

Powerful Examples of Python CMS

There are a few powerful Python Content Management System. Let’s have a look at them.


Mezzanine is a platform based on the Django platform. It is powerful as well as consistent. The biggest advantage of Mezzanine is not only it is simple, but it can be easily extended. It is open-source and BSD licensed. It has a very active community.

Mezzanine is different as compared to other platforms as it provides most of the functionality bundled in the platform itself. 

Unlike other platforms, it does not rely on external modules to provide basic functionalities. It is similar to tools such as WordPress and its UI is pretty intuitive for writing content, publishing, and managing it. 


Ikaaro is a multilingual Python CMS. It provides multiple high-level features such as forums and wikis. You can also add custom features to Ikaaro. 

It provides features such as access control, approval process, spells checker, and scripting API. 

It provides you with content and document management search and tagging. It has an active community also.


Kotti features a Best Python CMS platform. It has bundled all the basic functionality in the platform. 

You can further extend the platform by adding add-on products. Most of these add-on projects are readily available and can be integrated easily. 

Kotti is database agnostic meaning it can work on any database such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. 

You can control who edits and who publishes the content on the platform. Also, you can easily translate the complete admin view into different languages.

Also Read: Reasons Why You Should Use Headless CMS


It is very important to choose the right content management platform right from the beginning.  

In the article, we have discussed various factors that you should consider while choosing a CMS platform. 

You should choose a mature framework and make sure the framework can support all your needs. 

We also discussed how Python-based CMS platforms provide you great help while managing your data. 

We also discussed the advantages of Python and why you should prefer Python-based CMS. Mezzanine, Ikaaro, and Kotti are good Python For CMS platforms. 

So, choose a good CMS platform and start managing your data effectively. 

We hope you had a great experience reading this article and it proves to be of great value for any Python Web Development Company in the near future. Thank You.!

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What Is A CMS?

    CMS or Content Management System is a software application that allows you to add, edit, or modify the content within the website with ease.

  2. What Are The Factors To Keep In Mind While Choosing A CMS?

    There are a variety of factors that you need to keep in mind while choosing the CMS. Some of them are as listed below:

    • Core Functionality
    • User Interaction
    • SEO
    • Integration With Other Systems
    • Security
    • Performance
  3. Why You Should Choose Python For Creating A CMS?

    There are a lot of reasons for which you should choose python for creating a CMS. Some of the major ones are as follows:

    • Maturity
    • Ease Of Speed
    • Prebuilt Admin Dashboard
    • Advanced & Ready-to-Use Features
  4. What Are The Various Programming Languages For Building A CMS?

    Ruby, JavaScript, Java, PHP, Python, etc.