There are a plethora of programming languages in the market that can build the backend of any applications. The app experts are always in a dilemma to choose the best programming language for server-side development. Building a robust backend is essential as the app’s performance and stability depend on it.

At eSparkBiz, we have adept developers for hire who are well-versed with various programming languages such as Ruby, Node.js, Go, Python, PHP, JS, Java, etc. This article will discuss more on Node.js vs Golang as these are the most talked-about technologies.

If you go by the awards and accolades won, then node.js has been the preferred runtime environment of the developers in the two consecutive years, i.e., 2018 and 2019. As per the recent study, it has been observed that out of 58,543 respondents, around 50% use node.js as their favorite app development tool.

On the other hand, Golang outshines in the app development market and has surpassed other programming languages. It has gained a lot of popularity within a short time.

Undoubtedly, both the technologies are alluring and have won the hearts of the developers’ community. If you agree with the point mentioned above, then you should go through the nitty-gritty of both the technologies and understand their aspects.

This article is solely written under the guidance of Adept Developers at eSparkBiz who have worked with NodeJS as well as Golang. They have shared their experience as well as knowledge on working with both these technologies in the article.


Node.js vs Golang: Parameter-Based Comparison in 2024

Criterion #1: Performance

Golang is a new and innovative solution that is statically typed and open-source programming language. It is built to outperform the other programming languages, especially Node.js, a JS derivative, and a runtime environment that is used to develop web-servers.

Node.js is slower than Golang in performing CPU-bound tasks. The reason why node.js cannot match the speed of Golang is JavaScript. It incapacitates the response time as well as the loading of a page.

Golang is lightweight, scalable, and quick in responding to its users. Moreover, it is an undeniable fact that if there is network communication, then both languages can deliver similar performance.

Criterion #2: Efficient In Error-Handling

When talking about the error-handling, Node.js is one step ahead in delivering an efficient solution for all the errors. Node.js 10 Features confirms this fact.

It uses the throw-catch error detection technique, which resolves the errors on time, and restricts the developers to not perform further actions, until and unless the errors get resolved.

On the other hand, the Golang developers face difficulties while detecting errors because this new programming language has an explicit error detection mechanism.

There are two types of errors that are handled separately; run time & compile time. It drains a lot of time of programmers, and that’s the reason, Golang is not likely to be used for error handling.

Criterion #3: Concurrency

Concurrency is indirectly connected with the performance of an application. If you are looking for a programming language that doesn’t let your app crash and runs the heavy load without hanging the devices, then Golang would be the right fit for your requirement.

It allows professional experts to leverage multiple threads without burdening RAM. The Golang uses Go-routines, which can run multiple programs simultaneously. Also, the channels are responsible for smooth and easy interactions between Go-routines.

The runtime environment is single-threaded and utilizes an event-callback mechanism. Due to which it is unable to function multiple programs at the same time.

Criterion #4: Scalability

As seen earlier, Go outperforms Node.js in concurrency, similarly, it also wins another battle, i.e., scalability. Here, Node.js loses the race of parallelizability because it cannot function multiple processes together.

Goroutines play a significant role in offering multiple threads for functioning numerous tasks at the same time. It can be used for enterprise-level applications that are larger and have many tasks to perform parallelly.

If you wonder how Golang outshines the other programming languages, then you must read the article on Golang Web Frameworks, which is the secret recipe for building heavy applications.

Criterion #5: Tools Availability

Tools availability is one of the several factors where Node.js has won the battle of Golang vs Node.js. The node.js has a micro-service architecture that divides an application into the standardized set so that you can either excellently built or add new components to it.

Additionally, it has node.js package manager (npm) that has over 800K tools (building blocks) that can be utilized for various uses.

These tools can be leveraged at the time of developing the components which are divided using a micro-service architecture. Also, Node.js has a wide community that is active and keen to learn and deliver effective solutions. That’s why people are using Node.js In Web App projects.

On the contrary, Go is a young programming language that has stepped into the app development industry. It has very few tools as compared to Node.js but has feature-rich libraries that independently supports the development.

Go lacks in providing front-end support, whereas Node.js helps you build enticing front-end. Also, the Go doesn’t have GUI-library, but it has a plethora of healthy tools, i.e., Godoc, Go run, Gopherjs, Gofmit, and GoMetaLiner.

Criterion #6: Community

Javascript is an open-source programming language that has a wide community across the globe. Being open-source, a large group of developers brainstorm and curate effective solutions for the problem arising globally.

Node.js has large organizations as their active members, which include Joyent, Microsoft, Bitnami, Paypal, Groupon, npm, SAP, and the list goes on.

 Every year the community arranges a NodeJS event where developers across the globe come under one roof. The agenda of such an event is to share ideas, updates, improvements, and announcements. 

As per a recent study, around 67.8% of the developers’ community prefer Node.js over Go, which has 8.2% of the developers’ support that has slowly spiked up of the previous year.

Moreover, if you see the Go community, it is a horde of enthusiastic and eager-to-learn experts. It has a bright future, which is ever-growing and ever-evolving.

Criterion #7: Easy Learning

If you have just stepped into the app development industry and want to kickstart your career but are confused about which programming language to dive deep into between Node.js vs Golang, then here is the answer to your query.

Node.js, a derivative of JavaScript, has many online and offline resources that will help any newbie to cope up with the runtime environment. One can also Build CLI App With Node.js. 

There are many articles, videos, informative blogs, and extended support of the community. It acts as a helping hand for beginners.

Unlike the Node.js, Golang is a young, new and modern programming language that has relatively lesser resources. The developers are expected to learn and understand its concepts, processes, typing, coroutines, and many more things. 

In a nutshell, Node.js surpasses Golang in understandability and material availability.

Criterion #8: Client-Side & Server-Side Development

Node.js is a potent runtime environment that excellently builds both the front-end and backend of the application. You don’t have to worry about the quality and size of the application. Node.js can beautifully craft your idea using the latest technologies.

Whereas, People prefer Go for building backend of the application. But, if you prefer to leverage this young programming language for front-end development, then it can run Go code utilizing gopher.js in the browser and build a client-side interface.

Here, if you go by the preferences of the developers, then Node.js wins the Node.js vs Golang battle.

Criterion #9: Blockchain Buzz

Golang is the most preferred while developing blockchain as it simplifies the process and initiates swift development, whereas Node.js makes the task clumsy. So, it is advisable to leverage Go for trending technology.

Criterion #10: Maturity

Golang wins the ultimate battle of Golang vs Node.js. The same company, i.e., Google, that introduce Golang, also brought Node.js in 2002. Node.JS still has shortcomings in API development. It has constant modifications, and that’s the reason developers prefer Go over Node.js.

Chintan Gor

CTO, eSparkBiz

Enthusiastic for web app development, Chintan Gor has zeal in experimenting with his knowledge of Node, Angular & React in various aspects of development. He keeps on updating his technical know-how thus pinning his name among the topmost CTO's in India. His contribution is penned down by him through various technical blogs on trending tech. He is associated with eSparkBiz from the past 14+ years where one can get premium services.