Do you know the top-notch brands of contemporary times were started during the great recession of 2008-2009? Airbnb, Uber, Pinterest, Whatsapp, and Slack are among those iconic brands which made entry as a startup. Today, we will talk about using Python For Startup.

This not only gives the budding entrepreneurs hope, but it is a reality check too. Probably, this mired economy has something exciting in store for your Startup!

Although as a smart entrepreneur, keep an eye on all the possibilities. The glittering success stories of startups hold a dark side too. Top Python Development Services can help you in this regard.

You will be surprised to know that 90% of startups fail and information startups are most likely to attract failure. Most of the time, startups make decisions after taking inspirations from enterprises.

For instance, if you are getting an app developed, the programming language that worked for an enterprise may not work for your app.

Entrepreneurs forget that every business has different needs. To unveil the specific needs of startups, this blog will talk about why python is the best programming tool for startups. Before coming to the moot point, let’s explore everything about python.

How Popular Is Python?

Do you know, there are about 1 million websites that are using python in their tech stack? This is a glimpse to the popularity of python as a programming tool. The dynamic yet simple language has the capacity to attract all sizes of projects.

Instagram, Google, Netflix and IBM are the popular use cases of python. These giants have considerable dependency on python choice.

Many successful startups including TravelPerk and 21 Buttons have also shown reliance on this tool.

Our Python experts have prepared this comprehensive list based on their years of experience and research on why Python is ideal For Startup and their dependency on Python Web Development Frameworks later in this blog.

Features Of Python

Every programming language has attributes that you may or may not find in any other tool of its kind. Here are some features of python that make it stand out among the plethora of programming languages:

Perfect Capacity to Merge

Python has received a lot of different programming languages in its structure. This makes it a perfect programming tool that integrates with many languages like Java, C, C++, etc. Python is perfect for strange integration tasks. This also makes Python a common language and you get a lot of python developer for hire easily.

A plethora of Libraries

Python package consists of open-source in-built modules. These modules are known as libraries which allow python developers to accomplish every task in their programming with Python tools only.

Absolute Choice for AI

Artificial intelligence has a major role in bringing python to the spotlight and making everyone know why Python is best. The popularity of Python For AI and its subset- Machine learning is directly proportional to the python choice popularity.

Facilitates Seamless Testing

The test-driven development of python is one of the popular reasons to use python. It makes it time and cost-effective. Prototyping and instant testing facility of python can ease the process of development by many folds.

What Does Startup Require From A Language?

Every business has separate needs according to the specific goals and visions. Although we can segregate these needs on the basis of the size and age of a business.

The requirements of Startups from a language are different from other businesses. You already know why, so let’s get an idea about what:

Quick Development: Startups expect a language to be simple and smooth which will assist them in creating an initial product promptly.

Cost-effective: With limited investment funding, Startups have a special concern for cost. Moreover, the ROI is uncertain too and this burdens these businesses to go for a cost-effective language.

Supportive: There are programming tools that are not compatible with other technologies or software. This creates fuss in the limited resources of a Startup. Hence they look for a language that integrates with other tools seamlessly.

Scalability: Whatsapp never knew that its number of users are going to increase with this speed. Hence, Startups always search for  language that can allow them to create scalable apps for flawless performance in the long run.

Why Choose Python For Startups?

As you read about the specific needs of startups and their characteristics that separate them from other businesses, it is clear that they need programming tools that save cost, time, and effort.

Let’s check what Python For Startup has to offer:


The python developers find this language simple and close to the English writing style. It depicts that complex and complicated are two different concepts.

Python supports complex development but does not add complications to it. All python users love it for its simplicity.


Python is among the most loved programming languages by the Stack Overflow survey. It was ranked at fourth position with the votes of 90 thousand developers. The popularity of python can also be easily judged by the overflow of jobs!

Vast Community

It is highly important for a programming language to be backed up by a huge community because this allows quick support in times when you face any issue during the development.

Python is blessed with a vast community that is ready to support you with solutions to all the queries.


Python works on every operating system. It is one of the programming technologies that provide codes that can seamlessly run on Linux, Windows, macOS.

From gaming applications to be a simple web framework, python has capabilities to work for all. Recently, it gained immense popularity in ML development also.


Scalability is something that every startup expects from a programming language. Python facilitates this requirement by offering seamless scalability with its codes. You can change, remove, add, alter, or modify python codes according to your future needs.

Speed To Market

As we already discussed that for startups time values the most and they want quick access to the market. This requirement of startups is taken care of by python programming language impeccably as it offers quick access to the market.

Small Team

It is one of the biggest advantages which makes python the best choice for startups. With simplicity in code writing, it eliminates the need for large teams which saves the cost of Startups. You will not have to hire developers unnecessarily.

Best Choice For MVP

You can enjoy a quick development process with python and release your MVP to raise funds from investors as soon as possible. With python, you can arrange Minimum Viable Product Examples within a few weeks only.


Like any other popular language like PHP, Python is highly secure. It offers successful hiding of source code from direct viewing. No matter how sensitive your product is, python codes can provide a high level of security without much effort.

Combat Complexity

The simplicity allows python to eliminate unnecessary complications. It offers seamless integration with other technologies and systems that makes it an ideal choice to eliminate complexities while developing a product.


Being one of the most loved programming technologies that support the development of different types of apps and websites, python can be called as an omnipresent technology. What is safer than using a tech which is loved and accepted universally?


It is the basic characteristic of python. Its object focused programming makes the complete process easy and simple. Its process of combining data with functions allows safe and robust development.


Established in the 1980s, python has survived the test of time successfully. Do you think technology can survive for this long without being innovative? The constant innovation in python has allowed it to survive for 3 decades!

Good For AI, ML & BD

The wonders of advanced technology, artificial intelligence, and its subsets like machine learning are created with the help of Python. If your startup aims at innovation then you cannot leave behind these technologies. Hence, python can be a great choice for this purpose.

Python has come a long way and today it provides the features to develop high-tech solutions in ease. With hire a programmer in India, you can easily implement Python in your future projects and attain effective solutions matching your expectations.

How Startups Are Different From Other Businesses?

Every size and type of business is different from others in its industry. The startup is a collective term that is used for businesses that are in the initial stage of the development of viable products. Along with this fact, they are also in the early stage of their funding.

This is the basic meaning of startups but if we scrutinize the market trends then the fact that Startups tend to grow at a faster rate is not something that is unknown to many.

Moreover, most of them are tech startups because, in this sector, there is no limit to expand. Let’s explore the parameters on which Startups differentiate from businesses:

Time: This is the major constraint for Startups as they have the pressure to prove themselves as quickly as possible. Hence, they make decisions regarding investments, products and services instantly.

Idea: Startups are known for out-of-the-box and innovative ideas. Hence, the most treasured asset for startups is their idea which has a value greater than the expensive resources of other businesses.

Budget: Startups believe in innovation and unconventional processes. This applies to their budget planning as well.

Unlike traditional businesses, startups do not follow a defined accounting process. They keep their accounts in mind and there is little time allotted to decide the finances of their business.

Profitability: Startups have less time to prove their potential in the market. This burdens the budding entrepreneurs to earn profit as soon as they set up the business. For most of them, a delay in profit generation may lead to failure.

Top Programming Languages For Startups

You must have observed that Startups have distinctive characteristics that demand supportive and compatible tools.

Tech startups need programming languages that create apps instantly at less cost with amazing interactivity and scalability.

Let’s read about the most popular programming languages for startups:

Google Trends


Python For Startup is a picture perfect combination. One reason that tops this list is python’s ability to allow an early entrance into the market.

It can be used to create complex apps involving big data, ML, AI, etc. The high memory consumption of python is a drawback that might pull back startups from choosing it.


JavaScript is the most popular technology for front-end development. From websites to apps, it can take care of client-side development impeccably.

But its lack of frameworks and libraries for server-side development makes it an incomplete package for economical startup owners.


If you are looking for a programming language that offers a vast number of APIs then Java is a perfect choice. It is used to develop apps that are secure and large-scale.

It’s slow speed and inability to deliver native app look on the desktop are primary reasons why startups refrain from using it.


Do you know there are many programming languages that have used C++ as a base for their creation? It is one of the oldest programming tools which is known for its scalability and uninterrupted integration with C.


This programming tool satisfies the two most important criteria to become the best choice for Startups. Ruby offers quick development at less cost. But the inflexibility and slow performance make it less popular than the python-startup combination.

Read also: R vs Python: Choosing the Best Option for Machine Learning and Data Science

Top Startup Companies That Are Using Python

The question is, Which Companies Use Python. Every year there is an establishment of Millions of startups. A few of them get recognition amid the fierce competition of the business world.

Here are some of these well-recognized and acclaimed startup companies which uses python:

Travel Perk

Established in 2015, Travel Perk got its first recognition from WIRED with a mention among Barcelona’s hottest Startups. It is an innovative business idea that turned out to be successful. TravelPerk has become the world’s only 100% free platform for business booking.

The over-the-top technology, consumer-oriented design, and outcome-driven business model is absolutely cost-free for all the users of this platform. Also, backed by Spark Capital which is the investor for successful startups like Twitter and Slack.


Another successful startup that is using Python in their tech-stack is Festicket. It has become music festivals’ largest website community since its inception in 2013. Users can find and book tickets or packages for the music festival trips.

It has an engaging design that assists people in saving money and enjoying themselves to the maximum. This startup has collaborations with many festival suppliers which allow them to offer the best deals for accommodations, tickets, and transport.


Based in the United States, Shippo provides services to eCommerce companies for successful shipping of orders to the customers. eBay is one of the most esteemed clients of Shippo. Since its establishment in 2013, it has streamlined the delivery process of many eCommerce companies.

They offer seamless shipping using all kinds of parcel services and allow customers to judge the cost benefits with speed advantages. It is 6 years old and observing a steady growth.


USIO uses python as well as JavaScript in its tech-stack and welcomes developers with experience in both of these programming languages. Establish in 2017, It is an English startup company.

They are offering energy deals according to the specific requirements of the customer within 30 minutes of the time period. It is a highly innovative startup that follows every regulation and does not check your years of experience before fixing a deal.

Password Boss

Established in 2014, it offers incredible security to users with its password management services. Password Boss is available for free of cost and helpful for everyone who finds it tough to remember all of their passwords.

With incredibly secure storage, it stores sensitive information for easy access to websites or any other platform which may include online shopping or bank accounts. They have used python to create iOS, Windows, and Android apps.

21 Buttons

This a community where stylists and influencers share their style and fashion tips with people. The bloggers inspire people to shop for their looks. 21 buttons is a platform for affordable and accessible fashion as you can purchase these looks by just one click.

It was established in 2015 and since then it is establishing a new fashion game where everyone can afford the latest trend. Moreover, it gives an opportunity for all users by creating their outfit post to generate sales.


Python satisfies the need of Startups for quick, easy, cost-effective, and innovative development. It seems the startup culture is evolving along with the python updates. Known for the out-of-the-box ideas, Startups make a perfect match with dynamic python.

After covering all the aspects in our analysis, it boils down to – you need an unconventional idea, and python will take care of the rest! If you have an idea then you must discuss it with experts and collaborate to change it into reality.

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Why Startups Should Be Using Python?

    In any startup, budget is a major constraint and Python is a language that allows quick creation of MVP which saves time and money. It also supports rapid application development. So, the time to market is faster.

  2. Which Famous Companies Are Using Python Programming Language?

    There are many tech giants that are making use of python programming language. Some of the popular ones are as listed below:


  3. Which Are Famous Programming Languages For Startups?

    As per the experts, the following are the programming languages that startups like to use more often than not.


  4. Which Are Some Of The Famous Startups That Is Utilizing Python?

    There are many startup companies that are utilizing Python in their technology stack and they have got a reward for that as well. Some of the popular ones are Password Boss, Travelperk, 21 Buttons, etc.