Create World-Class Apps With the Industry Best Flutter Developers for Hire

Hire Dedicated Flutter Developer
Flutter is an open-source UI software development framework that is created by Google.

Flutter is used to build aesthetic, natively compiled, cross-platform, and high-performant apps from a single codebase. You can run those applications on Android, iOS, Linux, and MacOS. Flutter is highly popular for hybrid mobile app development.

Hire Flutter app developers to leverage the numerous benefits of Flutter. Our experienced developers can help you build cross-platform mobile apps using a single codebase for multiple platforms. The team of developers has deep expertise in delivering result-oriented solutions to our esteemed clients for the last decade.

Every Flutter app developer we hire goes through a rigorous screening process and then month-long training post-recruitment. This ensures the quality of the app they develop matches the standards of the best Flutter App Developers in the world. Hence, hire flutter app developers from us to leverage the service and experience that they hold.

Key skills of our Flutter Developers

Our Flutter app developers have mastered multi-platform capabilities & native features to deliver exceptional mobile apps with beautiful UI & speed. Provide world-class user experience with their key skills in Flutter like:

Hands-on in Flutter 3.7 and all Flutter frameworks such as Dart SDK, Flutter SDK, Google SDK, Graphql, Flame, and more.

Expert UI/UX strategists leverage Flutter’s 120 FPS UI capabilities to build visually appealing, scalable multi-platform apps.

In-depth knowledge of Flutter SQLite, Dart, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java, Angular, React, etc.

Efficient in working with Swift, React Native, and Kotlin for native app development.

Proficient in innovative Flutter app solutions for iOS, Mac, Android, Linux, Windows, Web, Wearables, & Smart TVs.

Extensive expertise in working with Restful APIs and SOLID Principles.

Solid understanding of Flutter’s layered architecture, GIT, GoF Patterns, and all-inclusive SDLC for bug-free apps.

Competent in Flutter UI toolkits like Dart, Material Design, Cupertino widgets, Rive, Supernova, & Flutter widgets.

Hands-on in tools such as GetIt, VSCode, Code Magic, Bitrise, Travis, Cirrus, Panache, Appetize, Vysor, AWS Amplify, IntelliJ, etc.

Skilled in utilizing Databases like ObjectBox, Hive, StorageMoor, Redis, Firestore, Sembast, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

Cross-platform dеvеlopmеnt - Expеrtisе in Dart SDK, Fluttеr SDK, and a fеw morе framеworks such as Googlе SDK, GraphQL, and Flamе arе nеcеssary for cross-platform dеvеlopmеnt in Fluttеr.

Statе managеmеnt - Adеptnеss in framеworks likе Providеr, Bloc, Rеdux, and MobX and proficiеncy in Dart SDK and Fluttеr SDK is еssеntial.

Dart Programming Languagе - Dart Programming Languagе skills arе crucial for Fluttеr dеvеlopmеnt, augmеntеd by framеworks likе Providеr, Bloc, Rеdux, and MobX.

Problеm-solving Skills - Problеm-solving skills in Fluttеr arе еnhancеd by framеworks likе Providеr, Bloc, Rеdux, and MobX.

Powеring Your Fluttеr Apps with winning tеch combinations

Expеrimеnt with nеw idеas in a way that will kick your Flutter apps into high gear. Hire Flutter Developers and find out the right combination is right to take your apps to the next level. The following are the right combinations for the next generation of applications, from real-time databases to scalable backends.

Flutt­er + Fir­ebase

Look to Hire Flutter App Developers who can rapidly the app development process with flutter coupling with Firebase. Connect your flutteг аppѕ wіth Fіrebase s­e­rviсes ѕuсh aѕ Fіrestоre, Authe­ntication, and Clou­d Messaging to develop real-time respоnsive applications.

Flutt­er + NodeJS

Combine flutter at frontend poweгed by Nodejs as backend. With Flutter’ѕ сross-platform UI сapabilitieѕ and NodeJS asynchronouѕ state – yoυ can develop lightweigһt high-peгformance real-time applicationѕ that involve communication anԁ da­tа ρrocess­ing.

Flսtter + MօngoDB

Mixing fⅼutter аpрlications using Mоngodb noSQL dɑtabases for more fᥱatures аnd performance. Flսttеr has the best UI developer experience when it comes to integrаting with МongoDB hɑs document-baѕed schеma systеms for handling dissimilar data structures.

Flսtter + Python

Combine stunning UI with fⅼexible backend logic usіng Flu­tter аnd Pуthоn. While developing logic аnd AI and machine learning scripts with Python, create a bundle using Flutter for cross-platform d­eveloρment.

Fⅼuttег + FastAPI

Combіne Fⅼutter's strеamlined front end wіth fast and intuitivе backend framework of FаstAРI. Uѕe FаstАΡІ to create RЕSTful ΑPI'ѕ to seamlessly integrate them into flutteг app­s for seamless datа cоmmuniсation ensuring high performanc­e anɗ scalability.

Flսtteг + MүSQᒪ

Hire Flutter App Developers who can use this combo in integrating MySQL’s reliable relational database management system which can scale with a Flutter user-friendly UI framework. Leverage the Flutter's flexibility with MySQL's robustness for secure data retrieval.

Fluttеr + Machinе Lеarning

Incorporatе Machinе Lеarning into your applications with Fluttеr, making thеm smart еnough to changе thеir bеhaviour based on usеr input. Combinе TеnsorFlow Litе with thе Flutter's flеxiblе usеr intеrfacе for natural languagе procеssing and imagе rеcognition.

Fluttеr + IoT Dеvеlopmеnt

Makе mobilе apps communicatе smoothly with Intеrnеt of Things (IoT) dеvicеs using Fluttеr’s cross-platform capabilities. Usе thе MQTT with Firеbasе IoT platform to crеatе usеr-friеndly intеrfacеs for monitoring and controlling smart dеvicеs.

Fluttеr + Asynchronous Programming

Utilizе Dart's async syntax and Fluttеr's Futurеs to handlе tasks such as nеtwork rеquеsts, filе opеrations, and animations without blocking thе UI. Lеvеragе Strеams for rеal-timе data updatеs, еnsuring еfficiеncy and fluidity in app's pеrformancе.

Fluttеr + Blockchain

Leveraging Blockchain Capabilities, achieve Smart contracts utilizing Ethеrеum or Hypеrlеdgеr Fabric framеworks along with othеrs like digital wallеts and dеcеntralizеd idеntity managеmеnt systеms. Ensure data intеgrity and immutability with Blockchain-powеrеd fluttеr applications.

Fluttеr + AR/VR

Crеatе intеractivе AR еxpеriеncеs with ARKit, ARCorе or Googlе VR SDK and VR еnvironmеnts using Oculus SDK or Unity3D. Engagе usеr intеractions across platforms with Fluttеr UI capabilities mеrgеd with AR/VR for immеrsion.

Fluttеr Apps + AI-Drivеn

Makе intеlligеnt and prеdictivе usеr еxpеriеncеs possiblе by infusing AI into Fluttеr applications. Imagе rеcognition, and sеntimеnt analysis can bе achiеvеd using AI framеworks such as TеnsorFlow or ML Kit for pеrsonalizеd experience.

Our Core Expertise in Flutter

Besides coming up with innovative solutions when solving problems, our team adopts agile methodologies during project execution which enables them to deliver excellent results based on their extensive knowledge in Flutter development, UI/UX design, backend integration, testing and continuous support.

Flutter SDK

With Flutter SDK developers can code once and run it anywhere hence creating high-performance applications that work across different platforms. This is made possible by its rich library of widgets as well as the hot reload feature.

However, it quickens the development process while ensuring visually appealing apps for all supported devices thus improving user experience besides optimizing workflows related to app-building activities.


GetX enhances state management and routing within an application thereby reducing its complexity but still maintaining efficiency. It provides lightweight yet powerful solutions for dependency injection along with route management.

Thus making fast-paced development achievable through scalability or even stability hence leading to success where dynamic markets are concerned.


It offers flexibility together with simplicity when it comes to state management in Flutter. By handling data flow seamlessly alongside UI updates, this tool allows the creation of strong responsive applications.

However, it can adapt easily during client needs evolution so as not only to meet them optimally but also to optimize performance levels towards meeting user expectations.


Dio is a reliable HTTP designed specifically for use in flutter apps that need network connectivity. It boasts of performance effectiveness with versatility regarding various types of requests made over networks.

Powerful features such as interceptors and cancellation tokens are part of Dio’s capabilities so developers can manage data more efficiently leading to the creation of more responsive scalable applications that have better user experiences altogether.


RxDart makes reactive programming possible within flutter environments providing seamless manipulation coupled with handling streams containing information about events happening continuously.

We employ observables including operators available via the RxDart package guaranteeing synchronization of real-time data while at the same time enabling easy management of dynamic events during the construction of modern interactive apps required by today’s users who demand nothing less.

Featured Flutter App Development Projects

Explore these amazing Flutter projects developed over 12+ years by our Flutter experts to help our precious clients tackle real obstacles and boost their businesses – one of the reasons why they keep coming back to us!

SAAS-based Social Media Automation Platform

To make sure that operation goes according to the plan One for All provides a full cycle service including implementation on the website of social media that you prefer. On the other hand, we stress on the precision of our posting dates, working by our own integrated ChatGPT tools that provide detailed content writing as … Continue reading "SAAS-based Social Media Automation Platform"

  • Core Technology: Laravel | Angular | iOS
  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Number of Developers: 10 Members

Sales Enablement & Performance Tracking Platform

Refreshingly simple, yet powerful in results, drives sales performance through goal setting, tracking, incentives and so much more. This motivates sales teams to achieve and exceed their objectives. The platform’s unique combination of simplicity and powerful features leads to tangible and impactful outcomes, making it an invaluable asset for driving sales success.

  • Core Technology: React | Node | Android | iOS
  • Duration: 9 Months
  • Number of Developers: 4 Members

Unleashing the Power of Data in Real Estate with an Advanced Analytics Platform

An advanced Web Analytics And Insights Application called ESRP offers detailed analytical data in the form of graphical representations for several American industries, regions, firms, occupations, and racial, ethnic, and gender groups. Users can upload CSV files and other data source files to the platform and receive data visualizations thanks to its user-friendly interface.

  • Core Technology: React JS | Node | Laravel
  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Number of Developers: 10 Members
ESRP - Robust Web Analytics And Insights Application ESRP - Unleash the Power of Advanced Web Analytics And Insights Application

Uniting NFT Enthusiasts Worldwide in an Innovative Marketplace and Hub for Digital Creators

Through its visionary approach of Ecommerce Platform For Crypto Market, this platform brings together artists, creators, and crypto investors, providing them with an all-encompassing environment to participate in the purchasing, selling, and exchanging of innovative NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), event tickets, and cryptocurrencies.

  • Core Technology: React | Node | Android | iOS
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Number of Developers: 6 Members

Hospitality Redefined – Unleashing IoT Smart Devices and Access for Revolutionary Guest Experiences.

Radefy is revolutionizing the hospitality industry by harnessing the power of IoT smart devices to create unparalleled guest experiences. With our cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking approach, we are transforming traditional hotel stays into immersive journeys that cater to every guest’s individual needs.

  • Core Technology: React JS | .NET
  • Duration: 8 Months
  • Number of Developers: 7 Members

Hire our Flutter App Developers for the following services

eSparkBiz is a leading Flutter App Development Company providing intuitive and robust web solutions to clients all across the globe. The web solutions we create have an interactive design, are user-centric, and are highly performant to ensure your web app matches the world-class standard and stands the fierce competition. Hire Flutter Developers in India to avail the best Flutter Development Services.

Flutter Dart App Development

Build native compatible apps with the Dart programming language of Flutter that helps in quick execution, quick compilations, and easy rendering. Dart language ensures building high-performing applications, and Flutter libraries are the cherry on the cake.

Flutter Native App Development

Hire Flutter developers to build an advanced native mobile app. Flutter gives a native look and feel to mobile applications and can help developers build secure and scalable applications that can seamlessly run on multiple devices.

UI/UX Design Strategy Development

Build a classy look, aesthetic, and engaging mobile applications by contacting the Flutter developers for hire. Our expert Flutter developers have experience in building intuitive UI/UX design for mobile applications.

Cross-platform App Development

Whether you are aiming for the iOS platform or Android Development, our skilled Flutter developers are adept at cross-platform app development. Hire flutter developers from eSparkBiz to develop flutter apps using the vast flutter code library.

Flutter for web development

Develop websites with a single codebase and less cost only with Flutter. Hire Flutter app developers and give your website wings to fly and meet the demands of your customers. You can develop a flutter website in no time and spend only a little money.

Flutter Support and Maintenance Services

Our developers never leave you in between the project or even after the completion of the project. We take utmost care of your support and maintenance services even after the deployment of your app.

Flutter Consulting Services

Our dedicated team of Flutter developers always strives to provide maximum satisfaction to clients. If you are planning to work with Flutter and have no clear pathway, our expert Flutter developers can devise strategies for your next world-class project.

Flutter Widget Customization

Build easily customizable UI widget libraries with Flutter. Our expert Flutter developers help you build aesthetically pleasing customized UIs with Flutter.

eCommerce App Development

Revolutionize your online store with eCommerce app development. Our shopping apps include secure payment gateways, personalized recommendation engines and smooth checkout processes ensuring satisfaction among buyers while driving up sales figures.

Flutter Testing and Debugging

Raise the reliability as well as performance bars of your Flutter apps through the comprehensive testing and debugging services we offer. We’ll do everything from unit tests up through integration tests – finding bugs fast so users can have a smooth experience no matter what platform they’re on.

Flutter Game Development

Use Flutter game development service to create immersive worlds that engage players deeply. Whether it’s casual mobile games or VR experiences – our developers know how to make exciting games using this framework’s flexibility and efficiency.

Flutter 3. X Upgrade

Stay ahead of the competition by upgrading your Flutter app(s) with the latest features of Flutter 3. X upgrade service. We will transition seamlessly between versions while leveraging new optimization techniques which would not only enhance security but also speed up performance thus providing compatibility across multiple devices thereby future-proofing them against becoming obsolete too soon after release.

Your Technical Experts for Flutter App development.

Here is the wide range of tools and technologies that our Flutter developers have mastered to meet the diverse needs of your custom app development.

Android Studio IDE
Android Studio IDE
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code
Bit Bucket
Bit Bucket
Firebase realtime database
Firebase realtime database
Storage Moor & Sembast
Storage Moor & Sembast
Flutter ffmpeg
Flutter ffmpeg
Flutter local notifications
Flutter local notifications
Json serializable
Json serializable
Flutter local notifications
Flutter local notifications
Flutter Secure Storage
Flutter Secure Storage
Flutter bloc GetX
Flutter bloc GetX

Why Choose Flutter for App Development?

Hire dedicated Flutter developer and try out the power of Google's UI toolkit for mobiles called Flutter which compiles web/desktop applications natively from one codebase. Using a combination of powerful widgets, hot reloads and fast performance; developers can bring their ideas into reality with amazing efficiency and creativity.

Streamlining Mobile Development

By employing Flutter developers, businesses streamline development efforts and resources. Leveraging Flutter's cross-platform capabilities, developers create code that seamlessly powers versatile mobile apps across iOS and Android, saving time and enhancing efficiency.

Real-Time Development

Flutter's hot reload feature facilitates real-time updates for developers and designers, ensuring they stay synchronized with code modifications instantly. This eliminates wait times, enhances coordination, and accelerates overall development speed, fostering efficiency and collaboration in projects.

Thriving Flutter Community

Flutter's open-source nature invites developers to contribute, fostering a robust community. Hiring Flutter developers grants access to this wealth of support, ensuring seamless project execution with constant guidance and assistance, backed by a vibrant community ecosystem.

Dart-Powered Flutter Development

Leveraging Dart's efficient coding and rapid compilation of native code, Flutter developers deliver native app-level performance. Businesses opting to hire Flutter developers benefit from enhanced application performance across various platforms, translating into savings of time and resources.

Enticing UI Design with Flutter Widgets

Employing Flutter's widgets, developers streamline UI design, accelerating the process and enhancing ease of use. With a single widget UI element, Flutter solutions seamlessly adapt to diverse platforms and resolutions, maintaining simplicity and preserving design continuity effortlessly.

100's of Happy Clients

From IT consultants to digital agencies, ISVs, and enterprises, we, as a pioneering offshore software outsourcing firm, cater to a diverse clientele seeking reliable solutions for their software consultancy and development needs. Here are some touching testimonials from our happy clients:

Sarah Malavenda

They are so efficient, fast, smart, and kind.

Sarah Malavenda

Co-Founder, Samata Health

Hire Flutter Developers in 4 Easy Steps

eSparkBiz offers resources of high caliber. When our specialists augment your team, it success rate grows to double. The agility provided by our team aids in cutting down the development cost by up to 50%.


Share the Job Requirements

We collect all the information, in detail, related to the task. This includes your goal to be met through this project, description of the developer you want and your overall budget for this project.

Timeline: 1 hour


Assess & Shortlist the Candidates

Saving your 50+ hours, we sift our talent pool and shortlist the best-fit tech experts skilled in all modern technologies..

Timeline: 1 hour


Interview & Hire

You can interview and assess the preliminary candidates., thus hiring the best developers that justify your needs, through our various flexible hiring models.

Timeline: 1 hour


Onboard & Manage

Onboarding and managing your developer(s) remotely is an ease, after SLAs is discussed and NDAs for confidentiality is signed.

Why Choose eSparkBiz?

Being a bankable and imperative IT partner, eSparkBiz oaths to brings digital transformation to your business. Our 12+ years’ remarkable expertise with 500+ global collaborations testifies the development services, state-of-the-art infrastructure, transparent transactions, and security to kickstart their digital business strategy.

Short and Long-term Contracts

Using our flexible hiring models, you can have your team appointed, for long-term or short-term, per your project and company requirements. Due to the adaptable nature, the whole process happens with ease.

Fast and Easy Hiring

The process of hiring developers from us is quite vague. eSparkBiz will have work done for you, be it selecting, onboarding, replacing, communicating, and completing paperwork. All at ease and pace.

Transparent Pricing

We believe in delivering work worth every penny. Your requirement is either for a long-term project or a short assignment, we shall have your picked developers as per the time they are employed by you.

Free Replacement

Anytime, during your project, you wish to switch a developer based on the project complexity or skills, we shall surely do so, without any extra charges as well as any downtime to the project.

Direct Communication

You always have an option to directly converse with your developer, without any middlemen. This leverages clear transfers of ideas. All you have to do is schedule a call, a standup or a meeting at your convenience.

Dedicated Account Manager

eSparkBiz also assigns you with an Accounts Manager. This person will not only look after your inflow and outflow of funds but will also help you with your interactions with clients and hired pupils.

Share your requirements to get the first relevant CVs.

Expert Insights for Digital Product Development

We at eSparkBiz are passionate about discussing recent technologies and applications. We constantly write blogs and articles associated with the field of technology. So, don't miss our detailed and insightful write-ups. You'll find all our latest blogs and blog updates here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hiring Flutter Developers from eSparkBiz is easy and swift. Here is a concise list of queries and their solutions we had from our partners, and you might too come across while hiring our Flutter App developers

Is the 15-day risk-free trial period free at eSparkBiz?

Yes. At eSparkBiz, we provide a 15-day risk-free trial period to all our clients. So, you can work with our experts, know our agile development & communication processes, and resource dedication to assess our work quality. If you are unhappy with our work during this trial and intend to discontinue, then you can terminate the arrangements hassle-free with no costs

How do I hire Flutter Developers through eSparkBiz?

You can effortlessly hire Flutter programmers from eSparkBiz as per your requirements.

The short process includes the following Easy steps to hire Flutter App developers at your convenience

  • Step 1 – Share your requirements
  • Step 2 – We shortlist Flutter coder as per your project needs
  • Step 3 – Interview and finalize the best from the lot
  • Step 4 – Quick onboarding to kickstart your project development
What are the hiring engagement options available at eSparkBiz?

We have transparent pricing with multiple engagement models on an hourly, monthly, or project-need basis available at eSparkBiz. We let you hire Flutter developers in India to upscale teams on-demand and even provide part-time or full-time developers for your end-to-end project development. Our hiring models are

  • Dedicated Development Team
  • Fixed-cost Model
  • T&M Model
  • IT Staff Augmentation
Do you sign an NDA for the privacy of my project?

We make sure that your project is secured and your privacy is protected till the end. To confirm that, we sign NDAs along with IP rights, Code documents, or any other agreements to prove 100% ownership of your project.

What if I am not satisfied with the hired Flutter app developer's work and would like to exit?

To let you experience our bespoke services, we offer all our clients an honest & transparent 15-day risk-free trial period for any services. If you are not satisfied with our services, you can withdraw your project without any hidden charges.

Do you provide post-deployment support and maintenance services?

At eSparkBiz, work doesn't end with deployment. We provide 24/7 full support and maintenance to all our Flutter projects. With it, we make recent updates, bug errors, consistent performance, and troubleshooting of any level to ensure that your product functions without any downtime and is glitch-free.

What are the key reasons for Flutter's Popularity?

Flutter's popularity derives from its cross-platform development support, enabling efficient app creation for multiple devices. Its customization capabilities, accessibility support, and strong performance further enhance its appeal.

With faster development timelines, predesigned widgets, and a quick learning curve, Flutter accelerates app creation. The hot reload feature boosts productivity, while its large ecosystem, localization support, and Google backing ensure continuous updates and community support.

Therefore, as Flutter is so popular and excellent to use, look for dedicated Flutter developers for hire to enhance your project.

How much does it cost to Hire Flutter developer?

At eSparkBiz, we let you hire Flutter developers at very pocket-friendly rates starting at $16/hr for your short-term or long-term projects. Additionally, you can hire dedicated Flutter developers starting at $2400/month or hire a SCRUM team of 5 experts at $11,000/month having 5+ years of experience. Connect with us today to learn about our hiring models and tailored project estimates.

How long will it take to hire Flutter developers from eSparkBiz?

It is within finger-countable hours. The maximum that we took once was 72 hours, and that's history again. Once you put in a request, we shall get back to you in no time to understand your requirements and send you a list of developers so you can pick from your preference. Say it from requesting to having people actually start to work for you, it takes around 7 to 10 days.

As we are one of the leading Flutter development companies, serving companies across the globe since 2010. We suggest our clients start with a smaller team, say 3-4 people, and then gradually include more people as per their needs. This will not only save them cost but will also give both the client and the developer enough time to understand each other’s working style. Then, as the project’s demand increases, more developers can be added as a trust factor is built.

Can your Flutter experts work according to my time zone preference?

Our remote Flutter developers for hire in India and the USA who readily and dedicatedly serve 10+ time zones worldwide. We provide project management in GMT, ECT, MET, IST, JST, ACT, AET, NST, PST, CST, & EST zones, within your time frame with regular communication. Connect with us now to work with our flexible, hardworking Flutter developers for your unique projects.

Can your Flutter developer help me complete my incomplete app development project?

Yes, of course. We are here to help you, be it from scratch or pick you up from mid-way. We totally understand the previous firm did not complete your project due to some reasons, and we are here to hold your hands. Once you get in touch with us, we shall first review the completion level of your project, understand how you want it to be, and then assign experienced and dedicated Flutter developers with a reliable project manager to get you through the finish line, through our agile approach. You can be reassured, we shall have your hands until task completion.

Why hire Flutter developers from eSparkBiz?

Here are some crucial reasons why you should hire Flutter App Developers from eSparkBiz

  • Certified Flutter developers
  • Follow agile development methodologies
  • Implement NDAs for thorough privacy
  • For unbothered communication, we use Slack, Skype and Google Hangout
  • Guaranteed on-time project delivery
  • Flexible time zone
  • Simple & transparent pricing
  • Hassle-free hiring process
  • Source code authorization
  • No Obligation project quote
  • Coherent project management
  • Flexible engagement models
  • Faster resource accessibility
  • 4.9 Rating on Clutch
  • ISO 9001:2015-certification
  • Zero overheads
  • 50% cost reduction
What are the payment methods at eSparkBiz after engagement?

We are a patented firm in the United States, under the name eSparkBiz Digital, Inc. You can pay us in Evolve Bank & Trust account via ACH. We also have a Wire transfer facility that supports all geographical locations. If you wish, we can help more by saving you some taxes, we do this through W9 form. Our EIN number is 38-4183955.