About The Project

Project Overview

Customers can purchase and sell items on the Klikinz platform. On the site, the user can advertise their product and hold an auction for it. The user has access to every product listing, wish list, and item that has been purchased and listed.The software also allows the user to track their packages. The user and administrator are the two stakeholders. Users have the option of acting as both buyers and sellers. The administrator has control over the users, products, and more. The application is in two languages, Arabic and English. The user can switch between both languages.

The platform is free for users to register or explore as guests. The application has two main stakeholders, Users (buyers and sellers) and administrators.

With the same ID, the user can play both buyer and seller. Auction and sale products can be added by the user and bought by other users in the application. The products for the auction need admin approval to get on the platform. The administrator has the right to publish or not publish the requested auction product.

The administrator has the authority to manage users and keep track of all the invoices. The admin panel has the CMS for all the static pages: about us, FAQ, etc. The admin has the authority to manage the users and products, including adding categories for the product’s add form. The price for the key purchase can be changed depending on the number of keys users will have once they register on the platform by default.

An auction and selling platform is an online marketplace where users can buy and sell goods and services through a bidding system. These platforms typically allow users to list items for sale and set a minimum bid price, and then other users can bid on the item until the auction period ends. The highest bidder wins the auction and is obligated to purchase the item.

Key Phases

Breaking down the project on these 3 main key phases & further in weekly modules to get the project on track and accountable.

Planning and Analysis
  • Requirement Gathering
  • User Research
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Technology Stack Selection
Design and Development
Deployment and Maintenance
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring and Security
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Maintenance and Support
Challenges we had

The Problem

Auctions, buying, and selling platforms are an essential part of modern ecommerce solutions. These platforms have transformed the way people buy and sell goods and services. However, these platforms also come with a range of challenges that need to be addressed that we faced and is mentioned below.

Trust and SafetyOne of the biggest challenges for auction, buying, and selling platforms is building trust and ensuring safety for buyers and sellers. Many people are hesitant to engage in online transactions due to concerns about fraud, scams, and other security issues.

Transparency Another challenge for auction, buying, and selling platforms is ensuring transparency in transactions. Buyers and sellers want to know that they are getting a fair deal, and that they are not being taken advantage of by the other party.

Market Saturation With so many auction, buying, and selling platforms available, it can be difficult for buyers and sellers to navigate the market and find the best deals

Payment Processing One of the biggest challenges for auction, buying, and selling platforms is processing payments. Payment processing can be complex and time-consuming, and many buyers and sellers are hesitant to share their financial information online.

User Acquisition and Retention Finally, one of the biggest challenges for auction, buying, and selling platforms is acquiring and retaining users. With so many options available, users can easily switch to another platform if they are not satisfied with their experience.

See what we solved

The Solution

The team encountered both significant and smaller difficulties while creating the app, and they came up with solutions that helped them improve user experience and system and user security.

Trust and Safety To address this challenge, platforms can implement various security measures such as authentication, encryption, and fraud detection. They can also offer dispute resolution services to help buyers and sellers resolve any issues that may arise during a transaction.

Transparency Platforms can promote transparency by providing detailed information about the goods or services being sold as well as the terms and conditions of the transaction. Additionally, we have utilized user feedback and rating systems to assist buyers and sellers in making informed decisions.

Market Saturation By offering features and services that are unique to their platform and offering them with trending styling, the platforms can differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Payment Processing Platforms can partner with trusted payment processors and offer secure payment options like we have with Stripe and STCPay.

User Acquisition and RetentionPlatforms can focus on user experience and customer service to differentiate themselves from competitors. They can also offer incentives like loyalty programs, referral bonuses, and discounts to encourage users to stay and engage with the platform.

Final Milestone

The Result

In summary, auction, buying, and selling platforms face a range of challenges, from building trust and safety to processing payments and acquiring users. However, with the right solutions in place, these challenges can be overcome, and platforms can continue to thrive and innovate in the modern economy.

The admin panel of a positive platform provides the site administrators with tools and functionality to manage and monitor the platform's operations.

Admin panel allows administrators to manage users, including the ability to add or remove users, change user information, and view user activity. The admin panel provides tools for managing listings, including the ability to add, edit, or delete listings, view listing analytics, and manage listing visibility. In short, all the CRUD operations are possible

The panel provides tools for managing payments and transactions, including the ability to view transaction history and invoices and to have control over shipping and track the products from seller to warehouse and warehouse to buyer. Also, the orders placed by the users can be tracked under this section with the ability to view the products and purchase order history.

Categories, subcategories, and child categories can be managed by the admin for users to have a selection list of them while adding a product to the platform or in the filter feature with managing the contents for the static pages.

Technology Stack

The tech stack used to create this system includes CSS, Laravel for admin panel development, Swift for iOS & Kotlin for Android, and MySQL DB for data management. A wide range of help, speed, and connectivity are offered by the pair.

Klikinz – Easiest way to buy or sell directly or through auctions
Klikinz – Easiest way to buy or sell directly or through auctions
Klikinz – Easiest way to buy or sell directly or through auctions
Klikinz – Easiest way to buy or sell directly or through auctions
Klikinz – Easiest way to buy or sell directly or through auctions
Klikinz – Easiest way to buy or sell directly or through auctions

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